Part autobio ebook now available for free download in epub, Kindle (azw3) and mobi formats

Autobiography of an Indian Software Techie and Spiritual Aspirant – Part 1: Ebook free download and printed copy links,, now has free download links for epub, Kindle (azw3) and mobi format files of the part autobio ebook.

I used Calibre software to convert Microsoft Word document version to epub and azw3 (Kindle) ebook formats, and then made some formatting type modifications to the epub and azw3 files. Later I converted the epub format file to mobi format file.

I tested all these three epub, azw3 and mobi format files on PC using Calibre and Amazon Kindle for PC applications.

On my low-cost Android smartphone (LYF), I was able to successfully download the epub format file and open it with Lithium epub reader app. It rendered the epub file (of part autobio ebook) well.

But I could not test the azw3 and mobi format files of part autobio book on my Android smartphone.

I do not have any Kindle reading devices. If some readers have a Kindle device, I request them to test whether the azw3 format file download is rendered properly on their Kindle device and let me know of the results of that test.

Note that I have not put the ebook on Amazon Kindle Store due to concerns I have with online-signing Amazon Kindle's indemnity clause as I view that as a significant financial risk which I would prefer to avoid taking on. So to read the ebook on a Kindle device, the Kindle format file has to be downloaded from above mentioned book download page and then loaded onto the Kindle device. I presume that the Kindle device provides some procedure to do that.

A correspondent wrote over email on 17th May 19 and was OK with public sharing (note that the reference is to part autobio ebooks of epub, Kindle (azw3) and mobi formats):
I tested the epub format on apple books on my mac and it opened fine for me.
I opened the kindle and mobi formats on the kindle app on my mac.

Just quickly browsed through the contents in all three formats. Couldn't get to check the hyper links etc..



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