Last updated on 9 Sep. 2024 IMHO, a great spiritual challenge is understanding and handling the mystery and challenge of grave illness/injury coming to a person, and sometimes leading to his/her passing away. After the event, doctors may analyze an illness and say why it happened at physical-body level but it is very difficult for them to accurately predict when somebody is going to fall ill and how severe the illness will be. Hindu scripture talks of Rishis having knowledge about such matters from a spiritual perspective (e.g. karmic result) not only about their life but also about other people's lives, and many Rishis had the power to rise above body consciousness at will. In our times though, such spiritual masters seem to be very rare. Most of us devotees/spiritual aspirants (NOT masters), me certainly included, have no such (clear and precise) spiritual perspective knowledge about why grave illness/injury comes to a person (which could be us). We may loosely speculate a...