Songs of the Hindi film Satya Sai Baba with Anup Jalota playing role of Swami

The official trailer of the Hindi movie Satya Sai Baba with Anup Jalota playing role of Swami is available here:, 3 min 6 secs.

The songs can be heard here (no video - still frame),, 34 min 27 secs.

I thoroughly, thoroughly enjoyed the following song:

LAGI RE LAGAN MOHE LAGI @ 13 min. 3 sec (13:03 till around 18:43): It is a pukka Bollywood (Bombay/Mumbai's Hollywood) song but with a spiritual message, sung by Sukhwinder Singh with lyrics by Naqsh Layalpuri. I think such songs will have tremendous appeal for the general public. BTW I am a born-and-bred Bombay/Mumbai fellow (spent most of first four decades of my life in Bombay/Mumbai) - Hindi film songs (till the early 90s) are an inextricable & deep part of my life! So I just loved this Bollywood style song on Swami when I heard it first. Don't know though how Sathya Sai devotees into Parthi style songs will take it - it is a pretty different style.

A correspondent liked the O Maa Sai Maa song. BTW the list of songs and their start time in the video is provided in the comments - clicking on the start-time positions the video to that time.

I googled to see if the movie has been released but did not get clear results. So I don't know whether it has been released.



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