Sathya Sai Baba on Truth from 1958 discourse

I think today's thought for the day from Prashanti Nilayam is something that is very close to my heart.

Have faith that Truth will save you in the long run; stick to it, regardless of what might befall. For if you are true, the sense of guilt will not gnaw your insides and cause pain. It is cowardice that makes you hide the truth; it is hatred that sharpens the edge of falsehood. Be bold and there is no need for a lie. Be full of love and there is no need for subterfuge. The easiest habit is speaking the truth, honesty; for if you start telling lies, you will have to keep count of them and remember how many you have told to whom, and be always alert not to contradict one lie with another! Love a person and you need no longer deceive the person with a lie; you will feel that the loved one deserves the truth and nothing less than the truth. Love saves a good deal of bother. (Divine Discourse, March 3, 1958)

From Thought for the day for Nov. 28th 2014,

Sathyam Naasti paro Dharmaha - there is no dharma (right conduct) greater than truth. Sticking to the truth always is not easy though. Not speaking the unpleasant truth is not difficult - that is not indulging in untruth. But, at times, one slips into the convenient lie rationalizing that it is just a 'white lie' which will not harm anybody. Anyway, I think the above extract from Swami's 1958 discourse (4 years before I was born!), is a great gem of a spiritual teaching which serves as a lighthouse of inspiration even if one cannot achieve it always.



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