Telugu Christian devotional song I played on request of my apartment watchman's wife

My apartment watchman's wife asked me to play a Telugu Christian devotional song from the Internet, earlier today (30th May).

Here's the song I played for her after browsing around in youtube : Hallelujah by JKChristopher,Philip,Vincent,Sharon Sisters Latest telugu Christian songs 2017 2018,, 4 min. 43 secs. I raised the speaker volume so that she could get a nice feel about it. Music (and dance) form an important part of their Telugu Christian gatherings, especially their public events. I have attended one of them in nearby Karnatakanagapalli.

She liked the song. I also liked the song even though I could not fully catch the Telugu lyrics.

BTW my apartment buildings' (we have two buildings) watchman family are Telugu Christians. They seem to have converted to Christianity (from Hinduism) a decade ago. I find them to be very decent and pious Christians. She told me that she prays for the well being of all people in the (2) apartment buildings. I thanked her for her prayers. They attend a church in nearly Karnatakanagapalli village.



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