How I was, and continue to be, obliged to make my iami1 wordpress blog book front pages content to be somewhat more in line with regular books

Last updated on 25th Feb. 2019

As my initial intent was to essentially provide ebook and print-on-demand versions of my iami1 wordpress blog as a blog book, my front cover page had a lot of description of content of the book, as compared to regular books. Further, I had initially intended the title to be simply ' blog book' with the extended description on the cover page telling potential book readers what the book contains. I felt that by using this approach, I was being upfront and fair towards the potential book reader. If the book reader was not interested with the main book contents as described in the cover front page itself, he/she could simply move on to exploring another book or doing something else, without having to spend time on opening the book and looking at its Table of Contents.

But somewhere down the line, as I submitted the ebook version to some major ebook sites like and, I saw that I had to provide title information which reflected the book contents in a better way than ' blog book'. As it was still a blog book and not a regular book, I felt that I could take some liberty and have a long book title, and a sub-title.

That's how the ebook submission,, had the following (Metadata):
Title: Who am I? I am I - Ultimate Existential Reality Answer; Vedanta; God and Science conversation

In the Open Library submission,, as I pointed it to above submission, it picked up (or I specified) the same free ebook title. But in the Open Library submission, I think I added a sub-title of ' blog book'.

[25th Feb. 2019 update: The Open Library entry of my book has been deleted in the National Library of Australia. No reason has been provided. As Australia is a foreign country to me and a place which I have never visited, I decided against making any attempts to contact them to ask why it has been deleted.]

And this is how the book is now listed in the National Library of Australia (the first national library of any country to list my free ebook), [see above update], as it has picked up the info. from the Open Library entry of the ebook.

Now the changes that I intend to make, are as follows:

1) I will be applying for an ISBN, from, both for the free ebook (published by as well as others including being put up on my blog) and the printed (Print-On-Demand/POD) book published with's help. The ISBN applications will be separate for the free ebook version and the POD version. I need to check if I can use same ISBN for the same free ebook published by, and others like and Open Library, and put up on my blog as a free download.

2) Once I get the ISBNs then I plan to add the ISBN information in the 'Title Verso' page (which in my book's case is the first inner content page) and also put up the ISBN bar code in the cover back page. Note that as this is the first time I will be applying for an ISBN, I do not know the exact process and so the earlier statements are based on my rough expectation of how I will be getting the ISBNs (from

3) Now I feel that I need to standardize on the title of both my free ebook as well as my POD (print-on-demand) book. So I would like to change (after I get the ISBN number) the POD book title (and ebook title) to:

Who am I? I am I - Ultimate Existential Reality Answer; Vedanta; God and Science conversation

[instead of 'The Ultimate Existential Reality Answer; Vedanta; God and Science']

The subtitle will remain the same: blog book

I will use this title and subtitle with in my ISBN application for the POD book as well as ebook. [I know it is a very long title for a book. But this is a blog book and not a regular book. So I think I am being fair to readers/potential readers by using a long title which conveys what the book contains. I do not know whether will force me to truncate the title. If so, then I need to do some more thinking on the matter.]

The ISBN application needs a cover front page picture. So I created a modified cover front page picture having this title and sub-title. I have given that pic below.

[To open pic in higher resolution, right-click on pic followed by open in new tab/window. In new tab/window you may have to click on pic to zoom in.]

I have chosen to remove part of the text of the earlier (actually current, as of now) front cover page whose pic I have given below for comparison purposes.




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