Two great Christian church leaders are declared to be Saints! Congratulations to the Catholics & Christians
Some notes, small extracts and my comments from/on : Pope Francis canonized John Paul II and John XXIII, both towering figures of the 20th century, as saints. [Ravi: I completely support honouring leaders of the Roman Catholic Church of the 20th century for their service to the catholic church and spreading the life & teachings of the Divine Jesus Christ as captured in the New Testament. I did not know anything about John XXIII prior to this beatification news. But, of course, I had read a lot about John Paul II, whose long stint from 1978 to 2005 (third-longest in church history) and whose globe-trotting ways, made him a well known figure in India and the world. Whatever I had read and seen (on TV and print media photographs) of John Paul II, largely, was very positive. Personally I found his public statements to be largely...