Mervyn Hughes is LYING about me; Request VijaySai B.S. and Sai Keshav to help establish the truth about me
Last updated on 21st April 2020 21st April 2020 Update: I had an inner urge to name-snip the names of some person(s) in this post and so have done so. [The contents below are from my Facebook post: .] I initially wanted to simply ignore Mervyn Hughes latest political style attack on me (see ) where this fake-Facebook-ID fellow, Mervyn Hughes, says about me, "... Ravi S. Iyer, a hilarious nerd who would try to shift blame of every ill (including global warming) to --Name1-snipped-- ex VC. These people were non-existent when Swami was present in His physical form and have no credibility to comment on any issue ..." But today I saw bro. @Aravind Balasubramanya's post,