My Google Knowledge Panel now gives more importance to my limited Google Scholar profile and ignores my current main role of blogger/social media writer
Last updated on 5th Sept. 2021 5th Sept. 2021 Update: My GKP has now changed. Please see my post: Good to see my Google Knowledge Panel drop my Google Scholar profile and show my Facebook profile, , 5th Sept. 2021. One of my learnings over the past decade or so that I have been a blogger/social media writer on a variety of topics, is that people and entities form opinions about my main work/role based on which writings/posts of mine they feel are important. That may or may not match how I view my current main work/role. Google Knowledge Panel had earlier used my Notion Press profile, , as the source for the description they put up about me. As I have created that profile, I was able to provide a fairly accurate description of my current work/role: "social media writer (blogs and Facebook) mainly on spirituality and religion, but also on worldly topics cove...