Fascinating phenomenon of impersonators of famous divine figures like Jesus Christ and Sathya Sai Baba

Last updated on August 3rd 2014

Some recent incidents led me to refresh my knowledge and also dig up a little on the fascinating phenomenon of impersonators of famous divine figures. Let me start by mentioning some such cases.

Impersonator of Lord Krishna

This is mentioned in the Bhagavatham (Hindu holy scripture which has the history of Krishna and more). One interpretation of the Bhagavatham section related to this impersonator, available on the net, is the ISKCON related one here: http://vedabase.net/sb/10/66/en1. King Paundraka started believing that he was the true Vaasudeva (a name of Krishna), the divine master descended to earth! His impersonation went so far as to result in a challenge, through a messenger, to the real Lord Krishna as follows: "I am the one and only Lord Vaasudeva, and there is no other. It is I who have descended to this world to show mercy to the living beings. Therefore give up Your false name."!!! [BTW Lord Krishna is the son of Vasudeva and hence one of Lord Krishna's names is Vaasudeva - the longer a denoting son of. But in the link above it uses the spelling Vasudeva to refer to Lord Krishna (and not his father).]

Paundraka further says, "O Satvata, give up my personal symbols, which out of foolishness You now carry, and come to me for shelter. If You do not, then You must give me battle." The real Lord Krishna and the (king's court) assembly laughs when the messenger of Paundraka delivers this message.

The real Lord Krishna then takes up the battle challenge of Paundraka. Prior to the battle the real Krishna notes that Paundraka has dressed up like himself (Krishna) and laughs at the impersonation. Later Krishna kills Paundraka in battle by cutting off his head with his Sudarshana Chakra. But the fascinating spiritual aspect is that the Bhagavatham states that Paundraka (his subtle body/suukshma sharira) on his death, merged with Lord Krishna! "By constantly meditating upon the Supreme Lord, Paundraka shattered all his material bonds. Indeed, by imitating Lord Krishna's appearance, O King, he ultimately became Krishna conscious."

Some of the events related to divine masters, especially the Avatars, are very strange even to spiritually well versed people.

Impersonators of Lord Jesus Christ

Wikipedia has a fairly long list of people who claim to be (second coming of) Lord Jesus Christ here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_people_claimed_to_be_Jesus

Another interesting aspect about Lord Jesus Christ is that there are accounts of other miracle workers contemporaneous or near-contemporaneous to Jesus. From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historical_background_of_the_New_Testament:

The Talmud provides two examples of such Jewish miracle workers around the time of Jesus. Mishnah Ta'anit 3:8 tells of "Honi the Circledrawer" who, in the middle of the 1st century BCE, was famous for his ability to successfully pray for rain. On one occasion when God did not answer his prayer, he drew a circle in the dust, stood inside it, and informed God that he would not move until it rained. When it began to drizzle, Honi told God that he was not satisfied and expected more rain; it then began to pour. He explained that he wanted a calm rain, at which point the rain calmed to a normal rain.
Mishnah Berakot 5:5 tells of Hanina ben Dosa, who in the generation following Jesus cured Gamaliel's son by prayer (compare with Matthew 8: 5-13). A later story (In the Babylonian Talmud, Berakot 33a) tells of a lizard that used to injure passers-by. Hanina ben Dosa came and put his heel over the hole; the lizard bit him and died.
Such men were respected for their relationship with God but not considered especially saintly; their abilities were seen as one more unknowable thing and not deemed a result of any ultra-strict observance of Jewish law. These men were sometimes doubted, often respected, and even (according to Geza Vermes) addressed by their followers as "lord" — but never considered "saviors" or "messiahs."

--- end wiki extract ---

Impersonators of Sathya Sai Baba

I think the most famous such impersonator so far, at least in recent years, is Bala Sai Baba of Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh, http://www.sribalasai.com/. Then we have Nepali Sai Baba, http://sanjaysai.org.np/. Both of these persons are look-alikes of our Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

Besides the look-alikes there are reports of many non-look-alikes who claim to have some divine aspects/powers which are in some way related to Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. For example, some claim that some divine powers have been bestowed on them by Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, and/or that they are able to connect to/interact with him in some way (the latter are commonly referred to as mediums/channels/intermediaries).

What can one make of this phenomenon of divine impersonators?

Firstly, some of the divine impersonators mentioned above are or were benign and contributed to spread of spiritual values (worship of God, love, joy, peace, service to fellow human being, brotherhood etc.) in society. So, IMHO, they are a positive force for society and this contribution of theirs must be welcomed. But it must also be said that some were initially considered to be benign but later became horrifying figures. The foremost near-contemporary example of such horrifying figures is Jim Jones, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Jones, who claimed to be a reincarnation of Jesus and others, and who led his followers to commit mass suicide (over 900 people died) in 1978. Another such near-contemporary horrifying figure is David Koresh, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Koresh, who led 80 odd followers of his to their death in 1993 by defying USA law enforcement authorities which ended up in a deadly armed conflict with them.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, they say. Once divine figures become well known through their miracles and powerful transformational teachings, they inspire large number of people. Some of these inspired people may be getting so taken up by these divine figures that they may start deeply worshiping the divine figure and also identify themselves with the divine figure. That may result in some of them, especially those who consciously/sub-consciously desire paranormal powers, acquiring some spiritual/divine/paranormal powers similar to what the famous divine figure had/has. Some of these people may also start identifying themselves with the same physical features of the divine figure they worship resulting in the look-alike impersonators of famous divine figures.

A tricky and sensitive question is whether such impersonators (look-alikes and non-look-alikes) have the full power that the famous divine figure had/has. I think this gets answered over time. If the impersonators/mediums are able to demonstrate significant divine/miraculous powers consistently over a long period of time and also demonstrate mastery of spiritual knowledge through their teachings/discourses, they will, in all probability, acquire a big following and a big reputation. However, no impersonator of Krishna or Jesus acquired the same heights of fame that Krishna or Jesus acquired.

On Sathya Sai Baba impersonators/mediums, my humble view is that coming anywhere close to, let alone matching, the impact of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba will be an impossible task for any impersonator/medium of Sathya Sai Baba. Only a future avatar like Prema Sai Baba may be able to match or exceed that.


  1. A very interesting topic..and well written too
    .As everyone knows Sri Sathya Sai Baba avatar is unparalled.. very unique in so many ways and I fully agree to your humble view that no impersanator /mediums would be able to match him or even come anywhere close to him ..
    Sathya Sai Baba is the Only One without a second.!.!In my humble personal opinion though (though it might sound exaggerated to some )...even the future avatar Prem sai would not be able to match or exceed Sri Sathya Sai Baba .

    1. Thanks for the kind words and your views. Swami's revelation that Shirdi Sai was a form of Shiva, Sathya Sai having both Shiva & Shakti, and that Prema Sai will be a form of Shakti, can be interpreted in support of what you said about Prema Sai.

      I think the Sathya Sai movement has created astounding institutions across the world, based on Swami's teachings, though the cultural aspects of the region the institution is located in may give the interpretation of teachings a suitable variation. Shirdi Sai avatar did not focus on creation of institutions - of course it was a different time period. India was under foreign rule and economically very backward then. The Shirdi Sai sansthan (institution managing the Shirdi Sai masjid (mosque), temple etc. associated with Shirdi Sai Baba, was formed, if I am not mistaken, after Shirdi Sai's samadhi (physical form passing away).

      Will Prema Sai focus on creating many new institutions or on re-invigorating the existing Sai institutions, and give definitive instructions on matters like mediums & communicators, divisive forces within Sai institutions, and deviations from original vision of Sai institutions? That would be an interesting thing to study about the career of the coming Prema Sai Avathar.

  2. Yes u r right reg shirdi sansthan All this were founded only after shirdi sais maha samadhi...In fact I think (as far as I know )in all avatars that was the case ..As far as I know Only in Sathya sai avatar all such institutions were established and guided and nourished in his own physical life time...
    By the way . I wish to share what one of my close friends said reg.,some people outside saying had Sri Sathya Sai baba had named some one or even two ..three devotees together as successor specially for central trust all this medium claims and other divisions would not have surfaced easily ..This was what she said as her personal view in reply ***.Sri Sathya Sai baba loves whole of the universe equally ..he does not know what hatred means ..Though on a superficial level of his love it so appears at times that some devotees are extremely close to Sri Sathya Sai baba very fortunate and blessed and some others are seated very far off ...The chosen ones were blessed with darshan sparshan and sambhasahan no doubt .It does not however mean that Sri sathya sai baba values the rest of the devotees as inferior. ..For him and if we are to look on a deeper level all are same..He has given so many speeches ( sathya sai speaks) where in he has stated the synopsis of which says that we are divine but we are not aware of it or forgot it and he has come to make us remember our divinity ..
    . This special devotee/ superior/ very close etc is all mainly due to devotees imaginations .Sri sathya sai is pureness personified and Sais love is the same for all.For him all are his children and hence all are also successors..He would never would have wished that is any one/two/three particular successors be chosen by him and the rest left out Even on a worldly level for a mother all her children are the same at heart though on a outer level she may sing praises of one child and or it might appear she favours some and does not others....But in her deep ehart all are same ..The same is with sai
    However Swami did not leave anything abrupt ...He had the future well running of the central trust in mind and he took personal care to see that certain people are posted as office bearers and members ..he must have thought that they should be good enough to take care of all his institutions and various other activities and hence there was no special word from separately him on it..Reg mediums He has spoken outwardly very clearly that such claims are all false..and he has given definite instructions to treat such people mercilessly as one would treat cheats ..If even after that some devotees act otherwise it is their choice..Sai always says we are given choices to think and act as to what is right and wrong..*** This what she said .
    ..I personally think .deviations from original vision of Sai institutions..might perhaps happen due to some weak minded students getting attracted to certain matters easily or due to repeated hearing praises and seeing what they think as linked to of such matters and some times thy might be influenced by their peers / senior instructors taking a deviated route ..


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