Walter Andersen: Big threat to religion is from a kind of modern secularism that sees all religions as retrograde

"Sufis talked about brotherhood among the many faiths something that you will never hear an orthodox speak. The big threat to religion and religious ideas today is not from religion, but from a kind of modern secularism which sees all religions as retrograde. They see all religious sentiments as impediment to progress." - Prof. Walter Andersen in this interview article dated March 21st 2016,

Ravi: I tend to agree with Prof. Andersen on the big threat to religion and religious ideas part of the above quote.


Walter K. Andersen is an American academic. He taught comparative politics at the College of Wooster before joining the United States State Department as a political analyst for South Asia specializing in India and Indian Ocean affairs. Additionally, he was an adjunct professor at The American University in Washington, D.C.
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