Wonderful to know that Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust donated N95 masks and other PPE were given to Anantapur Govt. Gen. Hospital medical and other staff by District Collector's office

Given below is an extract from "PPEs, masks distributed to GGH doctors, staff", https://www.thehindu.com/todays-paper/tp-national/tp-andhrapradesh/ppes-masks-distributed-to-ggh-doctors-staff/article31320876.ece, 12th April 2020.

Doctors, house surgeons and staff nurses along with other paramedical personnel, who had expressed concern over lack of personal protection equipment and N-95 masks, were handed over those materials by District Collector Gandham Chandrudu and Assistant Collector M. Jahnavi at the Government General Hospital here on Saturday.

All junior doctors and house surgeons resumed duties on Saturday. The protection equipemt (equipment) was handed over by the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust to the District Collector on Friday. Mr. Chandrudu expressed gratitude at the gesture of the trust in supplying the materials worth Rs. 1.80 crore. “This will give immense boost to the confidence of personnel working in the care of COVID-19 patients,” the Collector added.

--- end extract from The Hindu article ---

Ravi: It is wonderful to know that the District Collector Shri Gandham Chandrudu and Asst. Collector M. Jahnavi used equipment donated by Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust for the vital needs of medical and other staff at the main COVID-19 isolation and treatment hospital - Government General Hospital, Anantapur - for whole of Anantapur district (which includes Puttaparthi).

Thanks to the District Collector & his office for good utilization of vital personal protection equipment donated by Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust to combat novel coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic in Anantapur district.

The article also mentions that RDT trust's (a Christian mission well known in Anantapur district) hospital in Bathalapalli is treating COVID-19 patients. This article, https://www.thehindu.com/todays-paper/tp-national/tp-andhrapradesh/covid-19-tests-at-rdt-hospital-from-today/article31320878.ece, reports that the District Collector announced that COVID-19 testing facility has been started in the same Bathalapalli hospital.

Update: Saw another version of the article with a pic of the PPE being distributed by District Collector and Asst. Collector to Anantapur Govt. Gen. Hospital staff. The related article link is: https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/andhra-pradesh/ppes-masks-distributed-to-ggh-doctors-staff/article31319649.ece.

[I thank thehindu.com and have presumed that they will not have any objections to me sharing the above small extract from their website on this post which is freely viewable by all, and does not have any financial profit motive whatsoever.]
