How Jagadish Vasudev Became Sadhguru | TED Talk 2009; Meditation experiences described are very interesting

How Jagadish Vasudev Became Sadhguru | TED Talk 2009, , around 18 mins. The video seems to have a manually edited/created transcript.

The meditation experiences Sadhguru Vasudev describes are very interesting.

Transcript snippets (slightly edited for better formatting in this post) of some meditation, meditative trance and inclusiveness (experiencing others/other things as part of oneself) related parts:

From 02:27:

My sense of attention became like this – if I see a leaf, I could just sit there looking at this leaf, just staring at it for hours. If I sat up in my bed, just staring at the darkness; I could just do this for the whole night.


From 05:12:

And I went up and sat on a rock there.

Till that moment in my life I always thought, this is me (Gestures) and that's somebody else and something else.

But for the first time I did not know which is me and which is not me.

Suddenly what was me, was just all over the place.

The very rock on which I was sitting, the air that I breathe, the very atmosphere around me, I had just exploded into everything.

That sounds like utter insanity.

This, I thought lasted for ten to fifteen minutes, but when I came back to my normal consciousness, I was… about four-and-a-half hours I was sitting there fully conscious, eyes open but time had just flipped in my experience.

For the first time in my adult life, tears were flowing down and I've always been peaceful and happy, that was not an issue

but here I was drenched in a completely different kind of blissfulness, every cell in my body bursting with ecstasy.

When I shook my head and trying to get some logical explanation for what's happening to me, the only thing that my very smart mind could say was, “Maybe I'm just going off my rocker.”

This experience, as it deepened and it started repeating itself.

If I just sit here, what is moments for me seemed to be hours for others.

I think it's a minute, hours are gone.

On a certain day, I happened to be sitting in a certain place, I actually thought it's about 25 – 30 minutes.

But when I came to my normal senses, 13 days had gone by, I was sitting right there.

India being what it is, a whole crowd had gathered, garlands around my neck, people touching my feet, ...


From 07:12: 

And as this experience deepened into me, one thing that happened to me was, everything that I believed was me suddenly was not me. This (Referring to self) was always me, and suddenly I found this is just an accumulation of food that I've eaten; what I accumulate can be mine but can never be me.

This (Referring to mind) was just a huge heap of impressions in my mind.

And this body and mind, not being me but just being mine; a distance arose between me and my body, between me and my mind.

This also facilitated a certain experience within me, that suddenly, the equation of time and space was suddenly not applicable for me.

I was seeing that what is here is there, what is there is here.


From 09:12:

As I realized the basis of my experience is within me, I shifted from staring at things to sitting with my eyes closed.

This was a dimensional shift in my life, from staring to sitting with my eyes closed.

I got so fascinated with this human mechanism, I wouldn't want to open my eyes.

For days on end, I'm just keeping my eyes closed, wanting to see everything about this one. (Referring to himself)


From 12:45:

Then I found, that it is just the boundaries of sensation which determines what is me and what is not me.

Here there is sensation, so this is me. There, I don't feel the sensation, so that's not me.

As I looked at this boundaries of sensation very, very closely from within myself; this was a phase of my life, where most of the time I remained with my eyes closed.

I realized that the boundaries of sensation can either be stretched, expanded or even made smaller than what it is right now.

You can sit here and not feel anything that's happening here right now; this happens in sleep to some extent.

Or you can sit here and extend your boundaries of your sensation for this whole hall and anything that is within the boundaries of your sensation, you will always experience as myself.


From 14:03:

This sense of inclusiveness, if it comes into you… When this came into me, I suddenly realized that to be loving is not somebody's teaching, to be compassionate is not an idea, to be in empathy is not some esoteric principle. This is the way a human being is made.

If only he does not constipate his consciousness with limited identifications with things that he is not.

If you do not identify with anything that you have accumulated over a period of time including your body and mind, every human being is capable of this.


[I thank Sadhguru Vasudev and have presumed that he will not have any objections to me sharing the above extract(s) from the transcript of his talk on this post which is freely viewable by all, and does not have any financial profit motive whatsoever.] 
