Key aspects of my current sadhana (spiritual practice) over past quite a few months

Thought I should share the key aspects of my current sadhana (spiritual practice) which I have been following over past quite a few months. Perhaps it may be of interest to some spiritual aspirant(s) now or later on.

Namasmarana and prayer to Sai Baba (both Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba and Bhagavan Sri Shirdi Sai Baba) is an important component which has increased over these past months. Namasmarana is mainly Om Sai Ram or Sai Ram but sometimes some other names of / references to God.

In meditation with form aspect, I focus on merger into Swami's (Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba's) lotus feet. This component has also increased over these past months.

In formless meditation, the main components are centering on my core being (changeless beingness-I/awareness-I observer/witness), and focusing on merger into formless God viewing the beingness-I as being a tiny part of formless God. So beingness-I is a sort-of pathway to formless God. Time spent on this has reduced over past months but I still do it quite regularly. I mean, it continues to be a part of my sadhana.

I find this focusing on merger into Swami lotus feet or formless God during meditation to jell very well with me. If the meditation session is deep and good, I have the feeling of deep satisfaction/contentment (during the session with perhaps that feeling continuing in a milder form for some more time as I get into other activity after the meditation session). But I have never got into a trance (lost body consciousness).

If I recall correctly, this regular focusing on merger into Swami lotus feet or formless God is relatively new in my sadhana practice - perhaps over past six months or so? Prior to this, off and on, I think I used to focus on merger but it was once in a while and not regular. Then it was more of mentally asserting and wanting to experience my beingness as part of God rather than merger into God. Note that in 'merger into God' aspect, I focus on viewing  'my beingness' as dissolving and disappearing into God.

I spend a lot of time on learning and doing current web technology software development now. I have not been doing much in terms of viewing this as Karma sadhana. I need to do more on offering this work to Swami/formless God as I start this work and while I am doing this work.
