Planning to print self-published not-for-profit-for-author book from blog; Any suggestions welcome on NOT-FOR-PROFIT and FREE REUSE sections and anything else

Dear reader,

I am now in the process of preparing a document which I will try to publish and print as my first hard copy book (as against pdf documents/ebooks shared for download) using a self-publishing agency (in India).

This hard copy book (and soft copy version too) will be based mainly on contents of my blog: Now some posts of that blog have contents from others for which I received their approval for sharing on the free blog. But I had not asked approval for printed hard copy book/document.

I have asked some such persons (contributors) about whether they would be interested in including their content in the printed book too.

I have first provided them the details of their content contribution which I am considering for inclusion in the book. And then informed them of how I plan to make my NOT-FOR-PROFIT for author statement. And then asked whether they would be interested to have their contribution included in this printed book. Given below is what I write them in this regard.

I will be having a NOT-FOR-PROFIT for author (me) financial arrangement for the printed (hard copy) book/document I mentioned above. Here is a draft version of the page covering this that will be part of the book/document.

This book is NOT FOR PROFIT for author 

This document/book in either printed form (e.g. printed book or printed sheets stapled/bound together) or electronic form (e.g. pdf file or Word document file shared on the Internet) is NOT FOR PROFIT for the author. But the publisher (if publisher is not the author) and/or printer may profit from it.

In the case of electronic form, excluding my Internet service provider charges and my computer cost, I do not have any expenses currently for sharing this document/book on the Internet as I use free services like Wordpress blogs and Google Drive to share the electronic version (soft copy) of the document/book.

But printed form (hard copy) involves expenses. In the case of a proper printed book I will need to use a publisher. I plan to use a self-publishing company to do that. I do NOT want any royalty. So I plan to explore that option with the publisher where the book price is based on publisher cost + publisher & distributor/book seller profit without any profit to me, the author. I don't know whether this will be acceptable to the self-publishing company.

However, I believe that if I want to distribute an ebook version (soft copy) on Amazon, for example, I may have to accept some royalty. In such a case, I hereby commit to contributors of content to this document/book that after tax is paid for such royalty, the remaining royalty money will be used to either buy complimentary copies of the book (typically hard copy) which will be distributed free of charge OR will be used as contribution to well known and reputed charity organization. In other words, I will ensure that I do NOT PROFIT (financially) from sales of this document/book even if I end up being paid some royalty money.

If I use a regular publishing company to print this document/book where I have to pay upfront for a print run of some copies of this document/book, then I plan to use any revenue from sales of this document/book to recover that upfront cost that I would have incurred. Any profit above that, after any tax payment involved, like in above case, will be used to either buy complimentary copies of the book (typically hard copy) which will be distributed free of charge OR will be used as contribution to well known and reputed charity organization.

The approach explained above will be used for any other possibilities for printing and distributing this document/book, to ensure that I DO NOT PROFIT from sales of this book.

April 2018
Ravi S. Iyer
Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh, India

--- end contents of NOT FOR PROFIT for author page of document/book ---

*******Given the above NOT-FOR-PROFIT for author declaration that will be part of the above book, [I ask them whether they would be interested to include their content contribution in the printed book]*******

I should also mention that for my content of this book I will be having a free reuse permission statement. But that applies only to my content in this book and NOT to others' content.

Here is the draft version of my free reuse permission page which will be part of the book.

Permission to freely reuse MY CONTENT of this book

I hereby grant permission to anybody, anywhere to freely reuse (including adaptation) any of MY CONTENT of this book, provided they give a reference to this book to enable interested persons to easily cross-check with the original source. Such reuse (including adaptation) of any of MY CONTENT of this book need not be limited to NOT-FOR-PROFIT work – it can be done for FOR-PROFIT work like publishing & printing a book for profit. I do NOT WANT any royalty or profit from any such FOR-PROFIT work reusing MY CONTENT of this book.

Note that this permission applies only to MY CONTENT in this book and DOES NOT APPLY to small amount of content I have used from elsewhere which I have made every attempt to clearly show as having been taken from elsewhere or from somebody else. If any content of this book is not shown as having been taken from elsewhere or from somebody else, then it can be presumed that that content is MY CONTENT.

April 2018
Ravi S. Iyer
Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh, India

--- end contents of free reuse permission page of document/book ---

I have also uploaded the incomplete draft version of the book (soft copy) in case you want to have a quick look at it, here:

Any suggestions from you readers about this, are very welcome.

Thanks & Regards

Ravi S. Iyer
Social media writer on spirituality, religion and miscellaneous topics
Retired international software consultant
Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh, India

Spiritual/Religious Websites/Blogs
* About Sri Sathya Sai Baba and more:
* God & science conversation and a little more:

Software Websites/Blogs
* Indian CS & IT Academic Reform Activism:
* Course material related to computer programming (software lab.) courses:

Misc. Topics Blogs


Service to Society is Service to God



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