Miscellaneous posts & comments on Facebook in October 2018
When author of post or comment is not mentioned, it should be assumed that it is me (Ravi S. Iyer).
On FB post, https://www.facebook.com/notes/vr-ganti/any-amount-of-good-actions-karma-will-not-offset-the-bad-actions-karma-of-mudden/10213464794918943/,
Ravi S. Iyer wrote on 27th Oct. 2018: I get no happiness in criticizing Shri B.N. Narasimhamurthy. But it has to be done for the benefit of Sathya Sai devotees. Narasimhamurthy has done, and continues to do, one of the biggest spiritual disservices any devotee of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba can do, by misguiding young students and others into accepting that Cheap Imitator Madhusudan Rao Naidu is saying the words of Sathya Sai and that Sathya Sai so-called subtle body has become one (or becomes one, when Madhusudan is giving Darshan) with Madhusudan Rao Naidu.
Narasimhamurthy has exposed his spiritual ignorance about Sathya Sai Baba's divinity by this very sad endorsement and promotion of the Cheap Imitator.
That one of the cricketing heroes of my cricket fan days, Shri Sunil Gavaskar, has got misguided by Narasimhamurthy into following the Cheap Imitator, is very tragic.
I have no objection to, and do appreciate, the very impressive social service done by Muddenahalli group led by Narasimhamurthy and others. But that social service does not justify or cancel out the great spiritual disservice of misguiding so many, including young students, into accepting Cheap Imitator Madhusudan Rao Naidu as Kali Yuga Avatar, Shiva-Shakti Swarupa Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Madhusudan Rao Naidu may be good at giving spiritual discourses, interviews and darshan but he should do that as Madhu Baba or some name other than Sathya Sai. Madhusudan Rao Naidu is NOT Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba but only a pale and cheap imitator of him.
Ravi S. Iyer wrote: And I should add that I am sorry if my words hurt Shri B.N. Narasimahamurthy but I have to do my duty towards my beloved and revered Gurudev, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.
Ravi S. Iyer wrote: Saithra Leilani has done very courageous work in Kuala Lumpur to highlight the false claims of Muddenahalli group which would have helped some persons in KL and Malaysia escape from getting trapped by false claims of MDH group. So I am very appreciative of Saithra's work in this respect. All the best, Saithra, for your good work to prevent more people from being trapped by MDH group.
Saithra Leilani wrote: Ravi S. Iyer Aww thank you so much..we'll continue to work as a team to stop Adharma and Asathyam to some (extent) from raising it's hood. Cheers!!! 😊
Ravi S. Iyer wrote on 28th Oct. 2018: Muddenahalli group including some based in Melbourne, Australia, have used fabrication and misrepresentation against me using Facebook fake IDs. They threatened me and tried all sorts of tricks to attempt to silence me. I know that they have done that with some others too. Saithra Leilani wrote about how she was targeted by them.
Terry Reis Kennedy was very viciously targeted by the Muddenahalli group trolls.
This is the truth. So while I do not know enough about harmful supernatural beings to know whether the power behind Muddenahalli group is demonic, I do not think that viewing the power that promotes such vicious behaviour using Facebook fake IDs as demonic, seems to be wrong.
Muddenhalli group is essentially a cult revolving around two personalities - Narasimhamurthy and Madhusudan Rao Naidu. The history of cults is that sometime cults can get into very dangerous behaviour, along with a lot of good social service. In the past few years, a couple of ashram leaders in India, whose groups also did social service, were convicted and jailed on heinous crimes of rape and murder.
How ruthlessly Muddenahalli group tried to evict the venerable Gangadhar Bhat sir of Alike school and former chairman of Loka Seva Trust, after he broke away from false belief of Muddenahalli group, is known to those who have followed such matters. It was support from the community in Alike that prevented Muddenahalli group from succeeding in this demonic objective of theirs.
Some who opposed Muddenhalli group in the past, may prefer to say nothing against Muddenahalli group now. That is their choice. But they should not attempt to stop the good work that others have done, and continue to do, to resist the Asathya and Adharma of Muddenahalli group.
Ravi S. Iyer wrote: Social media, in particular Facebook, has become a vital medium for sharing the truth about Muddenahalli group's continuing Asathya and Adharma. Mocking people as Facebook warriors may be something that appeals to some people - that is their choice. I don't want to comment on that.
But I would urge all who are active on Facebook in exposing and opposing the Asathya and Adharma of Muddenahalli group to not get discouraged by those who are trying to mock them - like I will not be discouraged by being mocked as "act(ing) like the big man from your Facebook account".
The power of sharing of truthful information to defeat Asathya-Adharma of Muddenahalli group should not be underestimated. And Facebook has emerged as a vital platform for sharing of this truthful information with the Sathya Sai fraternity. Jai Sai Ram!
In FB post, https://www.facebook.com/notes/vr-ganti/madhu-is-made-a-hero-by-sai-alumnus-who-was-prashanthi-nilayam-staff-hitherto/10211271398565405/ ,
Ravi S. Iyer wrote on 25th Oct. 2018:
I deleted my previous comment, which resulted in deletion of comments within it, as I found that the conversation was moving onto another person. I did not want to get involved in conversations about this other person.
I recognized that my comment seems to have provoked somebody into making that comment. In fact, I myself made my previous and now deleted comment as I got provoked by another comment referencing me.
I wanted to break this cycle of provocation as it was unnecessarily bringing in reference to another person.
Let me now provide a response to the original comment which provoked me, in a way that will hopefully not provoke others into bringing third parties into the conversation.
I saw a comment here that said, "Ravi respected what you was doing but wanted to keep away from you as he feared his own life in parthi".
The only times where I have feared physical assault on me was when I was exposing Muddenhalli group (largely from 2015 to 2017, if I recall correctly) at which time some then supporters of Muddenhalli group in Prasanthi Nilayam ashram system (now they will act as if they were never Muddenahalli group supporters but that's another story of hypocrisy) gave me dirty looks and worse. Despite my poor health I gave them back the dirty looks letting them know that I will fight them back (like Jatayu fought Ravana even though Ravana was much more powerful physically). They backed down when they saw that I was willing to fight back and that I was not going to get cowered down in exposing Muddenahalli group, by their threats to me.
I should add that at that time some local outside-ashram Puttaparthi bosses wondered about my aggressive posture and reacted aggressively to me. I made some efforts to clear up the misunderstanding that I was being aggressive towards them. Once they saw that I was not encroaching onto their affairs, the bosses stopped their aggression towards me.
I did not fear for my life in Parthi for any matter at all. However, I did fear and still fear social media comments that may drag me into personal matters involving some important and powerful persons in Parthi. I view such public social media comments about personal matters of people as something that I prefer to avoid.
As V.R. Ganti sir has been consistently opposed to Muddenahalli group, after some time had passed, I decided that it would be appropriate for me, in the larger interest of Sathya & Dharma, to associate again with Ganti sir. Ganti sir was kindly willing to engage again with me and I thank him for that.
In general, do I have fear? Yes, I do. There are a lot of very dangerous things going on in the world, including horrible warfare, and I fear getting involved in them. For example, I want to stay away from the battlefields of Iraq, Syria and Yemen. Those who say that they have no fear may want to go there and get involved in the battles there, to show the world that they really have no fear. But I think that would be unwise of them.
But I would like to clearly state that at no time did I fear for my life in Puttaparthi. I think people who say such things are creating a wrong image of Puttaparthi as if it is some mafia ruled place. No, Puttaparthi is a generally safe town. Of course, if one attacks the powerful people in the town they will react aggressively. That goes not only for Puttaparthi but for most places in the world including Mumbai, Brussels, Boston and New York City - cities where I have lived or have frequently visited.
Today in Oct. 2018, Muddenahalli group hijack of some part of Prasanthi Nilayam ashram system has been completely reversed, and I can humbly claim to have made some contribution there, along with others like Ganti sir. So life in Puttaparthi for a Prasanthi Nilayam supporter devotee of Sathya Sai is very safe so long as the person does not target Prasanthi Nilayam ashram administrators or leaders of outside ashram Puttaparthi town. I lead a very safe life now in Puttaparthi as I am a well wisher of Prasanthi Nilayam ashram system and the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust, and I do not involve myself in outside ashram Puttaparthi town leaders' political and business affairs.
And, very importantly, I ****do not**** want to get involved with or engage in any social media conversation related to personal life of important persons (or even unimportant persons) of Puttaparthi.
Ravi S. Iyer wrote: And regarding my reputation :-). People are free to have any negative opinion about me. I am not a candidate in a popularity or reputation contest :-). In fact, I have publicly said quite often and I repeat now that I have more than my fair share of human flaws. So I do not claim to be some spotless reputation guy.
Ravi S. Iyer wrote (on 26th October): Good to see that the third person related personal matter comment has been deleted.
I presume that Mr. --name-snipped-- (using FB name of --name-snipped--) did that. If so, I thank Mr. --name-snipped-- for that.
Mr. --name-snipped-- was a supporter of Prasanthi Nilayam system and was actively opposing Muddenahalli group on social media. That's how I got to know him on social media, sometime in 2015 if I recall correctly. We did work together on opposing Muddenahalli group's false claims wrt to our beloved and revered Lord, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. I thank Mr. --name-snipped-- for that work that he did in opposing Muddenahalli group's false claims.
It was my destiny, I guess, to become a whistle-blower on social media, in conjunction with courageous persons like Vr Ganti sir, about some sad matters related to Muddenahalli group having hijacked some parts of Prasanthi Nilayam ashram system in the immediate post Mahasamadhi years. I had to do that as elders were keeping quiet over a number of years - My whistle-blowing started sometime in 2015, whereas the hijack had started in July 2011!
As a whistle-blower I have made my enemies - perhaps some of that enmity will last this lifetime. That is sad. But I had to do what I felt had to be done to ensure that Sathya & Dharma prevail in Prasanthi Nilayam system and the Asathya-Adharma influence of Muddenahalli group, in particular B.N. Narasimhamurthy's and Madhusudan Rao Naidu's Asathya-Adharma influence, got removed from Prasanthi Nilayam system. Along with the work of many others including V.R.Ganti sir and Mr. --name-snipped--, I think that goal has been largely achieved. I am very happy with this goal having been largely achieved!
Mr. --name-snipped-- is free to entertain whatever negative opinion of me that he would like to. I am not disturbed by him having such negative opinions of me. I have more than my fair share of human flaws.
I wish Mr. --name-snipped-- all the best in his spiritual journey.
Ravi S. Iyer wrote: Thanks to Mr. --name-snipped-- about the nice things he has said about me.
Regarding the reputation stuff: Well, actually I think I am very conscious about what I perceive to be the truth, which at times could turn out to be false. I have a thing about truth. And that creates problems for me at times. This is not to say that I never knowingly lie. I try hard not to knowingly lie. What I mean by that is that I try hard to say what I perceive to be the truth. But sometimes my perception turns out to be wrong. Usually, I then correct myself.
But I have said some white lies in the past. Perhaps I may say some white lies in the future too.
However, when it comes to deep spiritual matters including the current big dispute about Madhusudan Rao Naidu's claims and Narasimhamurthy's earlier dream-instruction claims, I view it as my bounden duty to my beloved and revered Gurudev Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba to be truthful in whatever I say. I did not desire to be a noted social media writer on this Muddenahalli false claim matter. But destiny seems to have thrust that duty upon me and my deep gratitude to Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba and the Sathya Sai fraternity for all the spiritual love and wisdom that I received from them over the years, does not permit me to dodge that duty, so long as Bhagavan gives me the strength to do it.
I have shared this earlier at times but I think it is appropriate for me to mention it again. In 2010, I was told by a reliable source that Bhagavan had referred to me as Sathya Swarupudu. I try very hard when it comes to spiritual matters to live up to that.
I am not really so bothered about my reputation except that I try to keep accounts about me truthful, whenever I can. Some people may think that I am trying to create some big name for myself. Actually, I prefer to keep a low-profile. But circumstances demanded that I get out of my low-profile role via social media and so I, quite reluctantly, have accepted that.
And if I have hurt Mr. --name-snipped-- by my statements I am sorry for the hurt caused. I mean, I do not get any happiness by hurting Mr. --name-snipped--. And I am not saying this because of some thing I ****allegedly**** said about some third person. It is just the truth that I get no happiness in hurting Mr. --name-snipped--.
On Facebook post, https://www.facebook.com/ravi.s.iyer.7/posts/2304844753065422, Ravi S. Iyer wrote on 6th Oct. 2018:
"Honesty is the glue that holds together a society of laws. Lies are the solvent that dissolves those bonds." - From a recent article in the Washington Post.
I love the above two sentences. Simple but profound. Even a kid can understand it. However the tough thing is practising it when in trouble. But then that's why a great spiritual master said (I paraphrase) that it is enough to stick to just the spiritual value of the truth (Sathya) through thick and thin and that will (eventually but surely) lead to the person's realization and direct experience of divine reality/truth.
In response to comment, "As swami says " Sathyam brooyaath,Priyam brooyaath, Na brooyaath Sathyam Apriyam", Ravi S. Iyer wrote: Sometimes though Sathyam Apriyam has to be said, for reversing Asathya-Adharma that may have got established in a community.
In response to comment, "Young blood!", Ravi S. Iyer wrote: Swami himself has advised that being silent witness to Asathya Adharma is incorrect, if one has the ability to respond to it and try to correct it. It is not 'young blood' but, IMHO, a more fuller appreciation of Swami's teachings and not limited to one statement alone which can be interpreted in a way to justify one's inaction when Asathya-Adharma happens in front of one.
Saithra Leilani wrote: Ravi S. Iyer I personally feel you aren't an ordinary soul..something in store for you..Swami is letting you be little flexi now but I know the awakening is otw..😁
On FB post, https://www.facebook.com/notes/vr-ganti/any-amount-of-good-actions-karma-will-not-offset-the-bad-actions-karma-of-mudden/10213464794918943/,
Ravi S. Iyer wrote on 27th Oct. 2018: I get no happiness in criticizing Shri B.N. Narasimhamurthy. But it has to be done for the benefit of Sathya Sai devotees. Narasimhamurthy has done, and continues to do, one of the biggest spiritual disservices any devotee of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba can do, by misguiding young students and others into accepting that Cheap Imitator Madhusudan Rao Naidu is saying the words of Sathya Sai and that Sathya Sai so-called subtle body has become one (or becomes one, when Madhusudan is giving Darshan) with Madhusudan Rao Naidu.
Narasimhamurthy has exposed his spiritual ignorance about Sathya Sai Baba's divinity by this very sad endorsement and promotion of the Cheap Imitator.
That one of the cricketing heroes of my cricket fan days, Shri Sunil Gavaskar, has got misguided by Narasimhamurthy into following the Cheap Imitator, is very tragic.
I have no objection to, and do appreciate, the very impressive social service done by Muddenahalli group led by Narasimhamurthy and others. But that social service does not justify or cancel out the great spiritual disservice of misguiding so many, including young students, into accepting Cheap Imitator Madhusudan Rao Naidu as Kali Yuga Avatar, Shiva-Shakti Swarupa Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Madhusudan Rao Naidu may be good at giving spiritual discourses, interviews and darshan but he should do that as Madhu Baba or some name other than Sathya Sai. Madhusudan Rao Naidu is NOT Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba but only a pale and cheap imitator of him.
Ravi S. Iyer wrote: And I should add that I am sorry if my words hurt Shri B.N. Narasimahamurthy but I have to do my duty towards my beloved and revered Gurudev, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.
Ravi S. Iyer wrote: Saithra Leilani has done very courageous work in Kuala Lumpur to highlight the false claims of Muddenahalli group which would have helped some persons in KL and Malaysia escape from getting trapped by false claims of MDH group. So I am very appreciative of Saithra's work in this respect. All the best, Saithra, for your good work to prevent more people from being trapped by MDH group.
Saithra Leilani wrote: Ravi S. Iyer Aww thank you so much..we'll continue to work as a team to stop Adharma and Asathyam to some (extent) from raising it's hood. Cheers!!! 😊
Ravi S. Iyer wrote on 28th Oct. 2018: Muddenahalli group including some based in Melbourne, Australia, have used fabrication and misrepresentation against me using Facebook fake IDs. They threatened me and tried all sorts of tricks to attempt to silence me. I know that they have done that with some others too. Saithra Leilani wrote about how she was targeted by them.
Terry Reis Kennedy was very viciously targeted by the Muddenahalli group trolls.
This is the truth. So while I do not know enough about harmful supernatural beings to know whether the power behind Muddenahalli group is demonic, I do not think that viewing the power that promotes such vicious behaviour using Facebook fake IDs as demonic, seems to be wrong.
Muddenhalli group is essentially a cult revolving around two personalities - Narasimhamurthy and Madhusudan Rao Naidu. The history of cults is that sometime cults can get into very dangerous behaviour, along with a lot of good social service. In the past few years, a couple of ashram leaders in India, whose groups also did social service, were convicted and jailed on heinous crimes of rape and murder.
How ruthlessly Muddenahalli group tried to evict the venerable Gangadhar Bhat sir of Alike school and former chairman of Loka Seva Trust, after he broke away from false belief of Muddenahalli group, is known to those who have followed such matters. It was support from the community in Alike that prevented Muddenahalli group from succeeding in this demonic objective of theirs.
Some who opposed Muddenhalli group in the past, may prefer to say nothing against Muddenahalli group now. That is their choice. But they should not attempt to stop the good work that others have done, and continue to do, to resist the Asathya and Adharma of Muddenahalli group.
Ravi S. Iyer wrote: Social media, in particular Facebook, has become a vital medium for sharing the truth about Muddenahalli group's continuing Asathya and Adharma. Mocking people as Facebook warriors may be something that appeals to some people - that is their choice. I don't want to comment on that.
But I would urge all who are active on Facebook in exposing and opposing the Asathya and Adharma of Muddenahalli group to not get discouraged by those who are trying to mock them - like I will not be discouraged by being mocked as "act(ing) like the big man from your Facebook account".
The power of sharing of truthful information to defeat Asathya-Adharma of Muddenahalli group should not be underestimated. And Facebook has emerged as a vital platform for sharing of this truthful information with the Sathya Sai fraternity. Jai Sai Ram!
In FB post, https://www.facebook.com/notes/vr-ganti/madhu-is-made-a-hero-by-sai-alumnus-who-was-prashanthi-nilayam-staff-hitherto/10211271398565405/ ,
Ravi S. Iyer wrote on 25th Oct. 2018:
I deleted my previous comment, which resulted in deletion of comments within it, as I found that the conversation was moving onto another person. I did not want to get involved in conversations about this other person.
I recognized that my comment seems to have provoked somebody into making that comment. In fact, I myself made my previous and now deleted comment as I got provoked by another comment referencing me.
I wanted to break this cycle of provocation as it was unnecessarily bringing in reference to another person.
Let me now provide a response to the original comment which provoked me, in a way that will hopefully not provoke others into bringing third parties into the conversation.
I saw a comment here that said, "Ravi respected what you was doing but wanted to keep away from you as he feared his own life in parthi".
The only times where I have feared physical assault on me was when I was exposing Muddenhalli group (largely from 2015 to 2017, if I recall correctly) at which time some then supporters of Muddenhalli group in Prasanthi Nilayam ashram system (now they will act as if they were never Muddenahalli group supporters but that's another story of hypocrisy) gave me dirty looks and worse. Despite my poor health I gave them back the dirty looks letting them know that I will fight them back (like Jatayu fought Ravana even though Ravana was much more powerful physically). They backed down when they saw that I was willing to fight back and that I was not going to get cowered down in exposing Muddenahalli group, by their threats to me.
I should add that at that time some local outside-ashram Puttaparthi bosses wondered about my aggressive posture and reacted aggressively to me. I made some efforts to clear up the misunderstanding that I was being aggressive towards them. Once they saw that I was not encroaching onto their affairs, the bosses stopped their aggression towards me.
I did not fear for my life in Parthi for any matter at all. However, I did fear and still fear social media comments that may drag me into personal matters involving some important and powerful persons in Parthi. I view such public social media comments about personal matters of people as something that I prefer to avoid.
As V.R. Ganti sir has been consistently opposed to Muddenahalli group, after some time had passed, I decided that it would be appropriate for me, in the larger interest of Sathya & Dharma, to associate again with Ganti sir. Ganti sir was kindly willing to engage again with me and I thank him for that.
In general, do I have fear? Yes, I do. There are a lot of very dangerous things going on in the world, including horrible warfare, and I fear getting involved in them. For example, I want to stay away from the battlefields of Iraq, Syria and Yemen. Those who say that they have no fear may want to go there and get involved in the battles there, to show the world that they really have no fear. But I think that would be unwise of them.
But I would like to clearly state that at no time did I fear for my life in Puttaparthi. I think people who say such things are creating a wrong image of Puttaparthi as if it is some mafia ruled place. No, Puttaparthi is a generally safe town. Of course, if one attacks the powerful people in the town they will react aggressively. That goes not only for Puttaparthi but for most places in the world including Mumbai, Brussels, Boston and New York City - cities where I have lived or have frequently visited.
Today in Oct. 2018, Muddenahalli group hijack of some part of Prasanthi Nilayam ashram system has been completely reversed, and I can humbly claim to have made some contribution there, along with others like Ganti sir. So life in Puttaparthi for a Prasanthi Nilayam supporter devotee of Sathya Sai is very safe so long as the person does not target Prasanthi Nilayam ashram administrators or leaders of outside ashram Puttaparthi town. I lead a very safe life now in Puttaparthi as I am a well wisher of Prasanthi Nilayam ashram system and the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust, and I do not involve myself in outside ashram Puttaparthi town leaders' political and business affairs.
And, very importantly, I ****do not**** want to get involved with or engage in any social media conversation related to personal life of important persons (or even unimportant persons) of Puttaparthi.
Ravi S. Iyer wrote: And regarding my reputation :-). People are free to have any negative opinion about me. I am not a candidate in a popularity or reputation contest :-). In fact, I have publicly said quite often and I repeat now that I have more than my fair share of human flaws. So I do not claim to be some spotless reputation guy.
Ravi S. Iyer wrote (on 26th October): Good to see that the third person related personal matter comment has been deleted.
I presume that Mr. --name-snipped-- (using FB name of --name-snipped--) did that. If so, I thank Mr. --name-snipped-- for that.
Mr. --name-snipped-- was a supporter of Prasanthi Nilayam system and was actively opposing Muddenahalli group on social media. That's how I got to know him on social media, sometime in 2015 if I recall correctly. We did work together on opposing Muddenahalli group's false claims wrt to our beloved and revered Lord, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. I thank Mr. --name-snipped-- for that work that he did in opposing Muddenahalli group's false claims.
It was my destiny, I guess, to become a whistle-blower on social media, in conjunction with courageous persons like Vr Ganti sir, about some sad matters related to Muddenahalli group having hijacked some parts of Prasanthi Nilayam ashram system in the immediate post Mahasamadhi years. I had to do that as elders were keeping quiet over a number of years - My whistle-blowing started sometime in 2015, whereas the hijack had started in July 2011!
As a whistle-blower I have made my enemies - perhaps some of that enmity will last this lifetime. That is sad. But I had to do what I felt had to be done to ensure that Sathya & Dharma prevail in Prasanthi Nilayam system and the Asathya-Adharma influence of Muddenahalli group, in particular B.N. Narasimhamurthy's and Madhusudan Rao Naidu's Asathya-Adharma influence, got removed from Prasanthi Nilayam system. Along with the work of many others including V.R.Ganti sir and Mr. --name-snipped--, I think that goal has been largely achieved. I am very happy with this goal having been largely achieved!
Mr. --name-snipped-- is free to entertain whatever negative opinion of me that he would like to. I am not disturbed by him having such negative opinions of me. I have more than my fair share of human flaws.
I wish Mr. --name-snipped-- all the best in his spiritual journey.
Ravi S. Iyer wrote: Thanks to Mr. --name-snipped-- about the nice things he has said about me.
Regarding the reputation stuff: Well, actually I think I am very conscious about what I perceive to be the truth, which at times could turn out to be false. I have a thing about truth. And that creates problems for me at times. This is not to say that I never knowingly lie. I try hard not to knowingly lie. What I mean by that is that I try hard to say what I perceive to be the truth. But sometimes my perception turns out to be wrong. Usually, I then correct myself.
But I have said some white lies in the past. Perhaps I may say some white lies in the future too.
However, when it comes to deep spiritual matters including the current big dispute about Madhusudan Rao Naidu's claims and Narasimhamurthy's earlier dream-instruction claims, I view it as my bounden duty to my beloved and revered Gurudev Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba to be truthful in whatever I say. I did not desire to be a noted social media writer on this Muddenahalli false claim matter. But destiny seems to have thrust that duty upon me and my deep gratitude to Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba and the Sathya Sai fraternity for all the spiritual love and wisdom that I received from them over the years, does not permit me to dodge that duty, so long as Bhagavan gives me the strength to do it.
I have shared this earlier at times but I think it is appropriate for me to mention it again. In 2010, I was told by a reliable source that Bhagavan had referred to me as Sathya Swarupudu. I try very hard when it comes to spiritual matters to live up to that.
I am not really so bothered about my reputation except that I try to keep accounts about me truthful, whenever I can. Some people may think that I am trying to create some big name for myself. Actually, I prefer to keep a low-profile. But circumstances demanded that I get out of my low-profile role via social media and so I, quite reluctantly, have accepted that.
And if I have hurt Mr. --name-snipped-- by my statements I am sorry for the hurt caused. I mean, I do not get any happiness by hurting Mr. --name-snipped--. And I am not saying this because of some thing I ****allegedly**** said about some third person. It is just the truth that I get no happiness in hurting Mr. --name-snipped--.
On Facebook post, https://www.facebook.com/ravi.s.iyer.7/posts/2304844753065422, Ravi S. Iyer wrote on 6th Oct. 2018:
"Honesty is the glue that holds together a society of laws. Lies are the solvent that dissolves those bonds." - From a recent article in the Washington Post.
I love the above two sentences. Simple but profound. Even a kid can understand it. However the tough thing is practising it when in trouble. But then that's why a great spiritual master said (I paraphrase) that it is enough to stick to just the spiritual value of the truth (Sathya) through thick and thin and that will (eventually but surely) lead to the person's realization and direct experience of divine reality/truth.
In response to comment, "As swami says " Sathyam brooyaath,Priyam brooyaath, Na brooyaath Sathyam Apriyam", Ravi S. Iyer wrote: Sometimes though Sathyam Apriyam has to be said, for reversing Asathya-Adharma that may have got established in a community.
In response to comment, "Young blood!", Ravi S. Iyer wrote: Swami himself has advised that being silent witness to Asathya Adharma is incorrect, if one has the ability to respond to it and try to correct it. It is not 'young blood' but, IMHO, a more fuller appreciation of Swami's teachings and not limited to one statement alone which can be interpreted in a way to justify one's inaction when Asathya-Adharma happens in front of one.
The Facebook post, https://www.facebook.com/vr.ganti.1/posts/10213340277126076, dated 7th Oct. 2018, had the following text:
In response to a comment, Ravi S. Iyer wrote: Alok Dara Shikoh, Vr Ganti sirs, I had commented but then deleted it as I felt it would be misunderstood by people.
V.R. Ganti wrote: Alok Dara Shikoh this what he said
I was aware of this possible background sir. But I have a tendency to try to help improve accuracy and prevent possible misinterpretation in some cases, when it comes to spiritual stuff. At least, that's my intent. Hope I did not irritate you by my comment 🙂.
Ravi S. Iyer wrote: Prior to that, if I recall correctly (as there does not seem to be a way for me to get that deleted comment in FB), I wrote something on the lines that, worldly people including unmarried people may follow that and it may be appropriate for them (calling the police when a robber tries to rob them) .... But great saints and Avatars follow a different Dharma (they really follow Love All Serve All to a very high degree if not to a complete degree) and will never call the police when a robber tries to rob them. Either they will allow the robber to take what he/she wants at times OR at other times, choose to chastise the robber for his bad acts. In any case, they will not call the police. Alok Dara Shikoh, Vr Ganti
Ravi S. Iyer Vr Ganti, Alok Dara Shikoh Given below is an example of Ramana Maharshi (referred in the extract below as Bhagavan) showing Love All Serve All practice to a complete degree which is NOT possible for worldly people (including me). From https://www.sriramanamaharshi.org/ashram/history/ :
To start with, there was only one hut at the samadhi but in 1924 two huts, one opposite the samadhi and the other to the north of that got erected. For bathing, the waters of Paliteertham and for pooja the waters of Ramanateertham were used. As for food, several devotees from the town came with offerings; in addition, some vessels were also donated to enable the Ashram to have a kitchen. People also donated money. Books like Ramana Geeta were sold at a book shop called Ramaneeya Granthalaya and the proceeds were given to the Ashram. Dandapani and others utilized that money for buying vessels and food articles. No money could be saved.
With all this, the Ashram did face difficulties. On any given day at least ten persons dined there. This practice gave ideas to a group of robbers. They thought that the Ashram was affluent; so on the night of June 26, 1924 they came for a robbery. Earlier also some robbers had entered the pooja room and decamped with whatever they could lay their hands on. But the present gang was made of sterner stuff. They threatened to burn the place down and struck Bhagavan on his thigh with a stick. Bhagavan’s conduct during that robbery will for all time remain a teaching for those who wish to walk the Lord’s way. Bhagavan firmly negotiated with them to refrain from hurting the dog but asked them to hit him again if they so wished. The objective of the robbers was to terrify them. The Maharshi was unmoved and unperturbed.
--- end extract ---
Ravi: The article does not seem to give further information on the incident.
I am quite sure that the ashram residents (small number of people then) who were NOT saints (like I am NOT a saint) would have tried to put in some means to prevent robberies and acts of physical violence like that reported above.
I ****know from experience**** that in Prasanthi Nilayam ashram system, residents and Seva Dal do make a lot of efforts to protect ashram system (including institutions like university and hospital) from robbery. Robbery ***does happen*** in Puttaparthi, even if such incidents are lesser than in regular world. So, in Puttaparthi too, if one does not put in adequate security in place where one lives or works, it becomes a magnet for some to steal.
These are the realities of Prasanthi Nilayam ashram system that I experienced when I was a part of it, as well as outside ashram Puttaparthi where I have now lived for 16 years.
In response to a comment, Ravi S. Iyer wrote: It is my experience of Sathya Sai physical form that he was a LASA master. So it was not just preaching for him. He demonstrated it in practice.
But I also realized that I am just nowhere close to be LASA person/follower. So it was, and still is, an ideal for me which I hold in great esteem and try to Love Some and Serve Some :-). LSSS or should I say LASSI :-).
Alok Dara Shikoh wrote: LASSI cheers to you and ganti sir!!!☺️☺️
Ravi S. Iyer wrote: Alok Dara Shikoh - Sathya Sai has spoken about many different contexts in his discourses. Besides LASA he has also said, "Padi mandiki Seva Cheyi" - Serve few (ten) people. I find that, given my various limitations and flaws, 'serve ten people' teaching suits me very well.
In response to comment, "DO YOU THINK OTHER THAN 3 OF US ANYONE ELSE WOULD BE FOLOWING THIS?", Ravi S. Iyer wrote: That does not matter to me, sir. Intricate questions about spiritual philosophy usually are not of interest to many. But they do interest me and so I am spending my time on this discussion. I think that's why Alok Dara Shikoh is spending his valuable time on this discussion.
Seekers of such knowledge are few. That's a well known fact of life.
In response to comment, "Then do you guys think it could be a private discussion. Just a thought to dwell upon.", Ravi S. Iyer wrote: Vr Ganti sir, you made your mark as a public writer following Sathya & Dharma in the Sathya Sai fraternity. You have a significant following. So I think such discussions being public is good. Others may not only benefit, some may contribute too.
Alok Dara Shikoh wrote (slightly edited): Ganti sir, Ravi sir is right.... For instance if it werent for your Facebook page, I might have never met Ravi S. Iyer sir.
Ravi S. Iyer wrote: And I would not have met you Alok Dara Shikoh sir! So Vr Ganti sir has provided us a Sathya-Dharma platform to virtually meet and interact on spiritual topics. Thank you Vr Ganti sir.
In FB post, https://www.facebook.com/alok.sastry/posts/10217490209871597, dated 11th Oct. 2018,
the following article was shared: Catholic Federation of India threaten to take legal action against Nuns, says ' they are embarrassing Church', https://m.republicworld.com/india-news/general-news/catholic-federation-of-india-threaten-to-take-legal-action-against-nuns-says-they-are-embarrassing-church, dated 11th Oct. 2018
Ravi S. Iyer wrote: Alok Dara Shikoh - This is the reality of spiritual missions, no matter what the religion, when it comes to whistle-blowers, especially those that make a police complaint resulting in a top official being charged and arrested for a serious crime. I am not at all surprised by this reaction. What I was surprised by, was the nuns going back to their convent!
The hatred from some of the people employed by the mission and whose lives are deeply entwined in the mission, towards the whistle-blowers would be intense, especially in the initial months of the whistle-blowing. I know that from direct experience. Note that all people in the mission will not be hateful like this. It will be mainly an aggressive few who are in administrative positions of power, or closely aligned supporters (hatchet men/women) of such persons. The aggressive few will hit out and the rest of the "nice" people in the mission system will be silent witnesses watching what is happening, even feeling bad for the truthful whistle-blower who is being attacked, but will do nothing to help him/her, mainly out of fear that if they help they will be attacked next by the aggressors.
Even if legally the nuns are able to win the right to live in the convent, they will be marginalized, ostracised (shunned) and made to feel like that they are traitors (Judases) to the mission.
I think the supporters of the nuns should collect money and open a separate spiritual mission for them, where the nuns can serve society and manage to survive from support of the community they serve.
In FB post, https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10216072663824900&set=a.10201966145210751&type=3&theater,
Ravi S. Iyer wrote on 11th Oct. 2018: Interesting! I don't think I have eaten a Veg. Spaghetti. Should try it sometime.
Saithra Leilani wrote (slightly edited): Ravi S. Iyer I think (you) can get the vegetarian version of it in Hanuman Cafe or at German Bakery.
Ravi S. Iyer wrote (slightly edited): Maybe I will try it out from one of the two restaurants you mentioned, one of these days - I will order it as parcel from there.
Saithra Leilani wrote: Ravi S. Iyer hmmm y parcel..appreciate the freshness of food, views, people while eating in there..thts lit!!
Ravi S. Iyer wrote: Well, I have some peculiarities in this regard. I am comfy about sitting and eating only in a few places where I have a good rapport with the owner/staff of the place. I don't have anything against the staff/owner of these other places you mentioned but I don't know them and as I am a very reclusive type of person, I prefer not to expand my range of interactions in this matter.
Saithra Leilani wrote: Ravi S. Iyer I know it well..a stithapragnya..😊😍
Ravi S. Iyer wrote: No, no, no. ... I am just a struggling spiritual aspirant trying to overcome my many human flaws.
Ravi S. Iyer wrote on 11th Oct. 2018: Interesting! I don't think I have eaten a Veg. Spaghetti. Should try it sometime.
Saithra Leilani wrote (slightly edited): Ravi S. Iyer I think (you) can get the vegetarian version of it in Hanuman Cafe or at German Bakery.
Ravi S. Iyer wrote (slightly edited): Maybe I will try it out from one of the two restaurants you mentioned, one of these days - I will order it as parcel from there.
Saithra Leilani wrote: Ravi S. Iyer hmmm y parcel..appreciate the freshness of food, views, people while eating in there..thts lit!!
Ravi S. Iyer wrote: Well, I have some peculiarities in this regard. I am comfy about sitting and eating only in a few places where I have a good rapport with the owner/staff of the place. I don't have anything against the staff/owner of these other places you mentioned but I don't know them and as I am a very reclusive type of person, I prefer not to expand my range of interactions in this matter.
Saithra Leilani wrote: Ravi S. Iyer I know it well..a stithapragnya..😊😍
Ravi S. Iyer wrote: No, no, no. ... I am just a struggling spiritual aspirant trying to overcome my many human flaws.
Saithra Leilani wrote: Ravi S. Iyer I personally feel you aren't an ordinary soul..something in store for you..Swami is letting you be little flexi now but I know the awakening is otw..😁
Ravi S. Iyer wrote: Well, I have lots of theoretical understanding of the spiritual path and some spiritual insights. And Swami has contributed immensely to that theoretical understanding and the spiritual insights. .... But the deeper full blown spiritual self-realization experience is something that I have not had. ..... And after Swami's Mahasamadhi and chaos, confusion and trauma that followed in Sathya Sai movement, I felt that I had to do my duty to Swami and the fraternity by keeping aside my individual personal sadhana (meditation, contemplation, deep study of scripture), and becoming a writer on spirituality & religion, and also about ethics in worldly life.
Ravi S. Iyer wrote: And, very importantly, doing my bit to oppose the dilution and distortion of the legacy and memories of our beloved and revered Gurudev.
Saithra Leilani wrote: Ravi S. Iyer The one who is born to Suryanarayana...(a lion-a reflection of Sun God) will have to roar like a lion and it's better to do something and be like a lion in facing the Asathyam that is happening right in front you rather than living like a sheep for hundred years..your true weapons are your writing pieces and that tiny little pen that quivers Asathyam and Adharma..I know you ll dazzle wherever you are inspite of challenges!! And your work will be remembered by Sathya Sai Fraternity..😊😊😊
Ravi S. Iyer wrote: Thanks for the vital support Saithra Leilani. It really helps.
In FB post, https://www.facebook.com/alok.sastry/posts/10217493621956897, there was a reference to the article, Evangelical Organisation Calls Christians To Plant Churches Among Hindus During ‘Great Spiritual Darkness’ Of Navratri, https://swarajyamag.com/insta/evangelical-organisation-calls-christians-to-plant-churches-among-hindu-during-great-spiritual-darkness-of-navratri, dated 11th Oct. 2018.
I (Ravi) was tagged in a comment that asked me, "Just curious Ravi S. Iyer sir, how is one (especially a sai devotee) typically supposed to reconcile to praise Vatican when Vatican calls hindu festivals as great spiritual darkness?
I feel that sarva-dharma-priya is absolutely the right conduct for a sai devotee, but is silence the only refuge when u hear hindu-apriya being openly propagated by Vatican?"
Ravi S. Iyer wrote (slightly edited) I think the concerned orgn, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christar, https://www.christar.org/explore/about/vision/, seems to be a Protestant Christian orgn. That is not related to the Vatican.
Ravi S. Iyer wrote: I would say that such missions are fringe Christian missions like there are fringe missions of other religions including Hinduism which make weird claims.
In FB post, https://www.facebook.com/terry.reiskennedy/posts/10217999247551575, dated 12th Oct. 2018, a letter was shared which talked about problems foreigners are having with visa and immigration for stay in India.
Ravi S. Iyer wrote: I think a special request should be made to Indian authorities for foreign Sathya Sai devotees wanting to stay in Puttaparthi for longer than 6 months.
My past experience (1980s & 1990s) in this regard, as an Indian who was visiting/consulting/working in Western countries, I think may be relevant even now.
What I found was that the visa granting rules and immigration rules controlling how long an Indian visitor can stay in a foreign country, was impacted very much by how that country's citizens were being treated in these matters in India. Note that typically the visa permits entry but the immigration authorities of a country plays a key role in determining how long the foreign visitor can stay in the country.
For example, while I was living in Belgium on a work visa in the mid 1980s, I was denied a visitor visa to France to attend the wedding of a French (white) friend. It was very disappointing as no reason was provided. Later I read about lots of tension between India and France on some sensitive matter. I felt that my visa rejection could have been related to that.
Coming back to now, over the past few years, especially after Brexit and election of Mr. Donald Trump as President of USA, I have read reports in mainstream media that visa and immigration rules in USA and UK (and perhaps other European countries too) have been tightened for Indians.
Perhaps what Western visitors in India are experiencing now in Indian visa and immigration related matters, is a reaction from Indian authorities to what Western authorities are doing to Indian visitors in these matters.
I think the way for foreign Sathya Sai devotees who are visiting or staying in India to try to avoid such problems, may be to seek some kind of special treatment as they are staying in India for spiritual service and uplift purposes. I think the service done to Indian poor citizens should be highlighted as that may result in positive viewing of their cases by the Indian authorities.
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