NYT article about Catholic priests who have children but hide their fatherhood; Suggested solution of making celibacy optional for priests

Vatican’s Secret Rules for Catholic Priests Who Have Children, https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/18/world/europe/priests-children-vatican-rules-celibacy.html, 18th Feb. 2019

This is a shocker for me! Just shows how many people may have been raised in a similar way without knowing that their father was a supposedly celibate Catholic priest!

The article provide a suggestion for a solution:
"For the church, stories like Mr. Doyle’s draw uncomfortable attention to the violation of celibacy by priests and, for some former clerics and liberals inside the church, raise the issue of whether it is time to make the requirement optional, as it is in other Christian churches."

Ravi: I think that's the way forward for the Roman Catholic Church. Make celibacy optional! Don't give the priest the option of:

Either holding on to his job and hiding his fatherhood

OR marrying and openly raising the child that he is the father of, but after quitting his job.

The priest should be able to marry and raise his child in a wholesome way, and hold his priest job.

The NYT article refers to Pope Alexander VI openly acknowledging his four children from a mistress! The wiki page, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pope_Alexander_VI, confirms it. Alexander VI was pope from 1492 to 1503. The wiki page describes a completely compromised papacy of Alexander VI where nepotism, power and wealth grab were the main highlights of the papacy.



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