Very disappointed to see search results for Sathya Sai Baba in National Digital Library of India
Last updated on 3rd Sept. 2019 I request interested readers to do this search themselves by visiting the National Digital Library of India (NDLI) website, . Note that this is funded by Union government of India and seems to be the premier digital library of India. I had hoped to see entries on well known Sathya Sai literature like Sathya Sai Speaks Volumes, Sathyam Shivam Sundaram Volumes, various Vahinis etc. Yes, these digital books may get accessed only through Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust (SSSCT) and sister trust (e.g. Sadhana Trust) owned and operated websites for copyright purposes. But, ideally, NDLI should have entries that directs the user to these ebooks on SSSCT and sister trust owned websites. Instead we get very few books on Sathya Sai teachings and philosophy. The top result is a Ph.D. thesis submission titled, "PEACE PHILOSOPHY OF SATHYA SAI BABA "! Now it is good to see such Ph.D. thesis on Sathya Sai but I would have liked ...