Quite freaked out by Bing search engine giving my blog post as one of top results for SATHYA SAI BABA ON TRUTH

Last updated on 17th Jan. 2020

I was debating whether I should share this. I decided to share it as I think it may be of interest to some readers, especially those who are bloggers on Sathya Sai and spirituality & religion in general, if not now then perhaps in the future.

I was quite freaked out to see that my blogger stats, a few days ago on 9th Jan., showed a visit to my blog coming from bing search engine (bing.com) on query:

See pic below showing the source link at the bottom, pointed to by red arrows.

[To open pic in larger resolution, right-click on pic followed by open link (NOT image) in new tab/window. In new tab/window you may have to click on pic to zoom in.]

The concerned blog post of mine was a November 2014 post: Sathya Sai Baba on Truth from 1958 discourse, https://ravisiyer.blogspot.com/2014/11/sathya-sai-baba-on-truth-from-1958.html.

The post shared the following quote from 1958 discourse of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba which was put up as thought of the day by Prasanthi Reporter - http://www.theprasanthireporter.org/ - for 28th Nov. 2014:

Have faith that Truth will save you in the long run; stick to it, regardless of what might befall. For if you are true, the sense of guilt will not gnaw your insides and cause pain. It is cowardice that makes you hide the truth; it is hatred that sharpens the edge of falsehood. Be bold and there is no need for a lie. Be full of love and there is no need for subterfuge. The easiest habit is speaking the truth, honesty; for if you start telling lies, you will have to keep count of them and remember how many you have told to whom, and be always alert not to contradict one lie with another! Love a person and you need no longer deceive the person with a lie; you will feel that the loved one deserves the truth and nothing less than the truth. Love saves a good deal of bother. (Divine Discourse, March 3, 1958)

--- end Sathya Sai Baba quote ---

I visited bing.com to see how it provides search results for query:
Sathya Sai Baba on truth

And yes, my above mentioned blog post appeared as the 2nd result. See pic below.

It freaked me out somewhat to know this. I mean, somebody is searching on the Internet about what Bhagavan said on truth and comes to my blog post! Google search for the same term, on the other hand, shows the standard and very appropriate sites of sathyasai.org, sssbpt.info as the top results (and none of my blog posts appear in the top results). That is a relief! That's how it should be.

I just tried duckduckgo.com today for search term:

Shockingly, my above mentioned blogpost is the 2nd result, even if the first result is sathyasai.org site (very appropriately). See pic below.

What this means for me is that I need to be super-careful about what I put up on my main spiritual blog (the above mentioned blog) on Sathya Sai.

Mind you, as I have a lot of blog posts about Muddenahalli and Madhusudan Rao Naidu (spiritual fraud), as expected, some queries on those terms in context of Sathya Sai Baba, give my blog posts among the top results. As I am one of the handful of persons who regularly posted on social media on this matter over a few years, it is natural that some of my posts appear among top results for those terms. [BTW now I am not so active on (posting on) this matter. I think I have done my bit (as very unpleasant duty) and now I focus on other general spiritual, religious and miscellaneous stuff.]

But I had thought that my blog posts on generic matters about Sathya Sai (like his teaching on truth) would come up in search results for searches ***on my blog*** for those terms and not generic search across the Internet!

My blog seems to have achieved some sort of weightage in Bing and DuckDuckGo search engines with respect to Sathya Sai Baba, and so it may show my blog posts among top results for Sathya Sai Baba generic teachings (like on truth) related searches which match my blog posts.

I earnestly pray to Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba that He guides me (as I am sure He has been doing in the past too - I regularly pray to Him) while I write posts about His teachings on social media.

In my Facebook post, https://www.facebook.com/ravi.s.iyer.7/posts/2723182351231658, associated with this blog post, Terry Reis Kennedy wrote: Congratulations, Ravi.

I (Ravi) responded: Well Terry Reis Kennedy - I don't know whether I am ready for this. But I guess I have no choice but to be super-careful with respect to accuracy about what I write on this blog about Sathya Sai Baba and His teachings, as it may serve to inform some people who search on the net for some specific teachings of Sathya Sai Baba which I have mentioned in my posts.



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