Truth is far grander than what logical/scientific human minds can conceive; A note for scientist/technologist/rationalist readers about British filmmaker Jeff Grant's Sathya Sai experience related posts of mine

Last updated on 9th Jan. 2020

The related posts of mine are:

1) British filmmaker Jeff Grant corroborates Aug. 2019 Sanathana Sarathi article paragraph about his mid 1970s film capturing Sathya Sai Baba's materialization of a necklace, though film is lost now,, 31st Dec. 2019.

2) British filmmaker Jeff Grant's 2011 blog posts about profound impact of his mid 1970s experience of Sathya Sai Baba's spiritual aura and charisma,, 6th Jan. 2020.

These two posts of mine share an account of a British filmmaker about what seems to have been clearly supernatural acts done by Sathya Sai Baba in the mid 1970s, and about the spiritual aura and charisma of Sathya Sai Baba. The filmmaker, Jeff Grant, clearly was a skeptic initially but he could not dismiss what he saw with his eyes - quite a few such manifestations, including wet sweet pudding given to him by Sai Baba from his fingers (apparent manifestation) - and what was captured on film!

But the film copies with the team disappeared some time after a copy (master or whatever its called) was given to the American TV station for whom it was intended and which did air some/whole of that film! Grant does not have a clue how it disappeared. One wonders whether there was some group that worked to suppress the film after its initial viewing! Note that Sathya Sai's rising popularity in the mid 1970s seems to have created consternation among powerful people in the Western world who would have then wanted to suppress material that promoted him.

And then there have been some in the Western world who launched big campaigns against Sathya Sai saying that the manifestation miracles are fraud.

Here are two posts of mine that will help rational and unbiased persons to arrive at a proper assessment whether Sathya Sai ***genuinely*** demonstrated such paranormal/supernatural powers:

a) Prof. Haraldsson Politely Asserts Genuineness of Sai Baba miracles in UK Radio Talk Show in 2012, August 19th 2013,

b) Scientific Paper that Debunks Deccan Chronicle 1992 Claim of Materialization Miracle Exposure, August 24th 2013,

The media (Western media in this case) can get away with gross disinformation for some time, but eventually the truth emerges and the wrong aspects of the media portrayal get exposed to discerning persons as plain untruth and fabrication.

The intent of the above posts related to Jeff Grant's experience of Sathya Sai Baba's paranormal powers and spiritual aura and charisma, and the two other posts mentioned just above, is ***NOT TO*** promote Sathya Sai Baba per se. The intent is to share strong eyewitness evidence (NOT scientific evidence as the film is lost and so cannot be submitted to scientific forensic analysis, unless a copy of it emerges from somewhere) that Sathya Sai did have, and so some people throughout history (e.g. Jesus Christ) seem, in all probability, to have had genuine paranormal powers (even if such genuine persons were and are very, very few as compared to many, many fakes claiming such powers), besides being charismatic spiritual masters.

What I have realized is that truth is way, way stranger than fiction or imagination. The ultimate truth or reality of life and existence, and the universe, is far grander than what logical/scientific human minds can conceive. Such deep truths of life that the human being can sense or relate to emotionally and intuitively in some limited way, though not understand intellectually or scientifically, are revealed to humanity by divine incarnations and prophets.

I recall the words of the British-Indian biologist, J.B.S. Haldane,, on limits of logical/scientific human imagination and conception with the truth being more complex (queerer!) than what logical/scientific human minds can imagine or conceive. His exact quote, "I have no doubt that in reality the future will be vastly more surprising than anything I can imagine. Now my own suspicion is that the Universe is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we can suppose.",

I made a small pic of the paragraph I highlighted earlier which I plan to share on my other social media channels (Facebook & Twitter), and felt it appropriate to share here, below:



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