Over 1000 downloads from July 2019 of my 12 page compilation on Chandogya Upanishad chapter 6 (Tat Tvam Asi chapter) key verses and commentary of great masters/scholars

Last updated on 11th Sept. 2020

The 12 page pdf file link is: https://iami1.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/chandogyachapter6someshlokas.pdf . The title I have given to the document is "Chandogya Upanishad – Chapter 6 (Dialogue between Uddalaka and Svetaketu) – Some Shlokas".

This link was first provided publicly, if I recall correctly, in this 8th March 2015 blog post of mine: Some Shlokas from Chandogya Upanishad VI chapter including Tat tvam asi (You are That) Mahavakya, and comments on it, https://ravisiyer.blogspot.com/2015/03/some-shlokas-from-chandogya-upanishad.html .

A small extract from above post giving the background of this 12 page pdf document:

In June 2010 I had prepared a document of 12 pages on some largely abstract theology verses (shlokas) from a famous Hindu scripture, Chandogya Upanishad, VI chapter including Tat tvam asi (You are That) Mahavakya (Great Saying), http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tat_Tvam_Asi, and comments on/interpretation of it by Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Prof. Max Muller, and a few others. I also added some notes of mine to it.

--- end extract ---

From July 2019 to December 2019, this file was downloaded 500 times. See pic below.

[To open pic in larger resolution, right-click on pic followed by open link (NOT image) in new tab/window. In new tab/window you may have to click on pic to zoom in.]

From Jan 2020 to 9th Sept. 2020, this file was downloaded 665 times. See pic below.

So from July 2019 to 9th Sept. 2020, this file has been downloaded 1165 times.

Download numbers for this file from March 2015 to June 2019 are not known as such file download information started being provided to WordPress bloggers only from July 2019 onwards.

So actual download numbers for this file from March 2015 may be much more than 1165!

How did people get to know of this file to download it thousand plus times over past year and two months?

I think the key there seems to be that Google Search for the term:

Chandogya upanishad chapter 6

provides this pdf document link as one of the top ten results (3rd result when I checked just now).

It is the 6th result in bing search, 5th in yahoo search and 8th in duckduckgo search when I checked just now.

I am so happy that this small compilation that I made in June 2010 (over a decade back) of great words of wisdom in Chandogya Upanishad Chapter 6, along with commentary of great spiritual masters or scholars of Hindu scripture, with a few comments from me, here and there, seems to have become a useful compilation for some folks on the Internet as indicated by the over thousand, if not thousands of, downloads, so far.


Sai devotee elder Prof. V. Jayaprakash wrote (and was OK with public sharing; slightly edited):

Nice to know that so many downloads have been done. It shows the importance of the topic and the validity of the contents. I feel that this is a great motivation to continue your spiritual writing.

Obviously, no writing can be done unless prior research is done. That way I am extremely happy that your quest for spirituality is insatiable. Please continue. May Sai bless you with health and energy to continue the service.


I responded: Once again thank you so much for your encouragement sir. Yes, I agree that the number of downloads indicate the importance of the topic and the validity of the contents.




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