Ramana Maharshi: Jnani always looks forward to the time when he will be free from the bondage of the body

I find these words of Ramana Maharshi from below post to be striking: "A Jnani always looks forward to the time when he will be free from the bondage of the body and be able to throw it away."

BHAGAVAN’S VIEW ON DEATH, https://www.facebook.com/RamanaHridayam/posts/pfbid02rCP2oJ5AN9q5UDHDhjoUSdFFXzsL2SsRMyxpYQcRPxnpBW3J9GbaxSEWLebhcHnBl . The post provides the reference for quote shared above, as: ‘Letters’, p 87, Bhagavan’s remarks to the death of Madhava Swami

My humble view is that Jnanis may not always look forward to freedom from bondage of body, as at times they may want to use the body in regular world to help or teach others. But quite surely, Jnanis would eventually (perhaps after they feel their work in the world is done) look forward to being free of the body bondage (and be able to throw it away).



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