Simple in-progress Blogger blog feed to book program; Used it to see posts on Anil Kumar sir in Sathya Sai students blog as one webpage/book

I thought some readers may want to check out this simple 'barebones' in-progress web program, "Barebones Blogger Blog Feed to HTML Book" that I have published on . It should work with any Blogger blog. I have tested it with one of my Blogger blogs and some other Blogger blog. 

In the context of our beloved Late Prof. Anil Kumar sir, I was curious to know whether I could get a blog book (webpage) of posts on AK sir put up on SSSIHL students blog. So I checked the program out with parameters of:
Num posts: 150
Search: Anil Kumar

I was gratified to see many posts about our beloved Prof. Anil Kumar sir, along with a few posts related to other 'Anil Kumar(s)'. Total posts returned were 135.

Readers may be able to see these posts by visiting and providing above parameters. 

I use the program on my PC desktop and I think it should be usable on laptops and tablets. The program is NOT designed for mobile. However, if one is willing to do some scrolling and use mobile in landscape mode, the program may be somewhat usable. I tried it out on my Android mobile in landscape mode and it was usable but required some horizontal scrolling to view the input form, specify the parameters data, tap the main submit button ('Show Blog Book'), and read the status and other information. The output blogbook when viewed in landscape mode seems to be quite OK.

The user interface styling and error handling are minimal as I did not want to invest too much time on this program.

For more about the program, please visit: Barebones Blogger Blog Feed to HTML Book; Useful for Recent Posts HTML backup and Searching Posts,
