Did Madhusudan Rao Naidu speak at Harvard University yesterday? If so, were his words projected as words of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba?

Last updated on 16th June 2017

Given below is a recent comment on mine on Terry Reis Kennedy's Facebook post, https://www.facebook.com/terry.reiskennedy/posts/10213501386427858 dated 15th June 2017, which states that Madhusudan Rao Naidu was on Harvard campus yesterday.

I (Ravi) wrote:
Thanks for sharing this update Terry Reis Kennedy.
An earlier post of Terry indicated that Harvard was just renting out the facility to Muddenahalli group supporters, and Harvard also raised some issue of its name being WRONGLY mentioned or something like that (wrong contextually, I guess) in the advertisement.

What I would like to know was whether any academic department of Harvard associated officially with this Muddenahalli group event. In particular, was any faculty/professor of the Harvard Divinity School involved in this event? Here's the list of faculty/professors of HDS, https://hds.harvard.edu/faculty-research/faculty-of-divinity (3 pages).

Diana Eck, Professor of Comparative Religion and Indian Studies, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diana_L._Eck, seems to be one of the most, if not the most, relevant faculty of HDS, for any event on Sathya Sai Baba SUPPORTED ACADEMICALLY by Harvard (as against no academic support; just a rent-out of facilities to generate revenue for Harvard).

I have been honoured to receive a short response to one of the mails I sent to Prof. Diana Eck a few years back - I think my mail was my effusive praise for her absolutely great book, published in 2012 if I recall correctly, India: A Sacred Geography (http://www.amazon.in/India-Sacred-Geography-Diana-Eck/dp/0385531923). If Diana Eck or any HDS faculty was involved in the event, I am willing to write a mail on it to Prof. Diana Eck. However, please note that she is a real big shot in the academic world and so there is a good possibility that she might not even read my mail, let alone respond.

I think it is also appropriate to mention in this context that one younger relative of a key Muddenahalli group elder who (young relative) is a Sai university alumnus and ex faculty, was and perhaps still is, doing research in management related field in Harvard university. So I wonder whether the management department of Harvard was associated with this event. I doubt it as whatever I saw of the advertisement of the event shared by Terry, did not seem to mention any Harvard academic department at all.

The other point is whether they used the name of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba in any way in this event, including the following:

1) Did Madhusudan Rao Naidu speak after an introduction was made that indicated explicitly OR implicitly, that Madhusudan Rao Naidu's words were the words of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba?? Specifically, were the words 'divine presence' of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba used to explicitly or implicitly indicate that Madhusudan Rao Naidu embodied that divine presence and so Madhusudan Rao Naidu's darshan and speech (sambhashan) were to be understood as Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba's darshan and speech (sambhashan)?

2) Was a banner with Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba's name and image put up on stage at this event in Harvard?

I should also say that the mere presence of Madhusudan Rao Naidu on Harvard campus does not bother me. I don't think it is appropriate to expect the legal representatives of Sai orgn. in USA to go so far as to try to prevent Madhusudan Rao Naidu from entering Harvard campus. In fact, I do not think the legal representatives of Sai orgn. in USA should go that far. My view is that they should stop at preventing Madhusudan Rao Naidu and his promoters from explicitly or implicitly indicating that words spoken by Madhusudan Rao Naidu are words of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Jai Sairam!
--- end my comment text ---

My Facebook post associated with this blog post:
https://www.facebook.com/ravi.s.iyer.7/posts/1922533487963219 has some comment exchanges.



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