My part of a polite exchange with a Malaysian Muddenahalli group supporter (real person not fake Facebook Id)

Given below are only my comments (slightly edited) part of an exchange on Facebook post: Readers who would like view the complete exchange with comments of others may please visit the Facebook post.

--Name-snipped-- Sairam sir! May I ask you whether you believe Madhusudan Rao Naidu's claims of being a so called communicator of Sathya Sai, even though (physical form) Sathya Sai has said on so many occasions that his communications between Him and his devotees are ****direct and heart-to-heart***** without any need for intermediaries?

Or do you not mind ignoring that inconvenient fact and truth about Sathya Sai teachings and instructions, so long as good Seva activities are done by a group, and people in the group are friendly?
I am told you are a real Malaysian person [I said this as I prefer not to interact with Muddenahalli group fake Facebook Id persons/trolls]. Sir, how do you feel about small children and young students viewing Madhusudan Rao Naidu as Swami (Sathya Sai)?? Don't you think that such children and young students are being given a false view of glory of the Kali Yuga Avatar, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba by them equating Sathya Sai with Madhusudan Rao Naidu??? Don't you think such beliefs being promoted among children and young students in Malaysia would be a great disservice to them, which they will really struggle to come out of, once they become older and get exposed to the real Sathya Sai who gave up His physical body in April 2011?
I have personally encountered the trauma of parents who felt their young son who was then (in 2015 if I recall correctly) studying in Loka Seva Trust school in Muddenahalli, had come under the sway of Madhusudan Rao Naidu, and sought my help to rescue their son from this trap that he had got into. They wanted their son to pursue further studies OUTSIDE Loka Seva Trust institutions so that their son could stay away from this false belief that he had got into. Madhusudan Rao Naidu (Swami to Loka Seva Trust school students) was talking to him and was asking/directing him to do B.Ed. (Bachelor's degree in Education) in Loka Seva Trust institution and then become a teacher there!!! Madhusudan also had given him a gold ring or a chain, if I recall correctly.

Fortunately, with the help of some people, the youngster came out of that trap and pursued higher education elsewhere to the great relief of their parents.

Please do NOT underestimate the damage that Madhusudan Rao Naidu is doing to young minds in Muddenahalli group schools by signing as Sathya Sai Baba, doing Lingodbhavam as if he has become Sathya Sai Baba etc. Young minds are very impressionable. For many of them, I am quite sure, Madhusudan is Sathya Sai and Sathya Sai is Madhusudan,

Would you, sir, like that to happen with children and youngsters in Sathya Sai fraternity in Malaysia???

Well --Name-snipped-- sir, I know too much about Madhusudan Rao Naidu's history and Muddenahalli group history, for me to ever believe that such an extraordinary spiritual power that lived amongst us as Kali Yuga Avatar, Sathya Sai Baba, will descend to using Madhusudan Rao Naidu as His medium/communicator.

But I grant that Muddenahalli group seems to be more welcoming to devotees, more kind, perhaps more efficiently uses donor money. That perhaps attracts many people to them.

However, the spiritual confusion and spiritual misguidance that Madhusudan Rao Naidu's acts are doing, in my considered opinion, may create a lot of trouble for spiritual development of youngsters who get caught up in believing Madhusudan's communicator claims.

It may not matter much to you, sir, as you may have experienced physical form Sathya Sai and so know what to believe of Madhusudan and what to not give too much value to. So from your individual perspective, you may be able to handle it and you may have a good and peaceful and loving time in the role you play in Muddenahalli group activities.

But I request you to kindly think sir about confusion Malaysian young children and students who first believe Madhusudan's claims, but later on becoming adults and reading about physical form Sathya Sai's teachings and instructions on mediums, will have.

--Name-snipped-- I have had direct personal experiences of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba physical form where he was very clear about what his instructions and directives were in important matters and simply expected devotees who were part of Prasanthi Nilayam system (like me then) to follow. I have faced his ***fury*** when I went astray on some important matters and was able to get back into His graces only by repenting and changing my behaviour.

I think you may not have faced physical form Sathya Sai's fury by doing something which was against his instructions on important matters and then having to face him at physical form level. So you are able to talk about logic being part of Maya and going beyond logic and go by the heart etc.

My direct experiences with and what I heard from very reliable sources about Sathya Sai physical form have clearly shown me that he got ***furious*** with people not following his instructions on some matters. The medium and communicator related instruction is one of those important instructions. I have to go by those direct experiences and information from very reliable sources that I have had of Sathya Sai.

All the best to you on your spiritual journey. I am happy we were able to have a polite conversation. Jai Sai Ram!

Well --Name-snipped--, the trauma that Swami gave me was harsh discipline to improve me, and which helped me enormously in my spiritual journey. I am so thankful to Swami for having been harsh with me when I was on the wrong track.

You seem to want to view such words of mine from a negative lens rather than try to see them for the truth they are. That is your choice.

I am afraid that the conversation is becoming too aggressive. Now I use very strong words against Madhusudan Rao Naidu and B.N. Narasimhamurthy as I have a lot of inner-level knowledge about how and why Muddenahalli group got spawned, and why it attracted so many people from Sathya Sai fraternity in its initial years. Many top people of Sai orgn. in India and overseas, as well as many senior people in the alumni community and Sai university supported Narasimhamurthy in the initial years. Today many of these people have withdrawn their support but almost none of them, barring an exception here and there, have publicly acknowledged that they supported Narasimhamurthy in the initial years. This is the truth and that is why Muddenahalli group grew to be so powerful and had such deep influence even within Prasanthi Nilayam.

I differentiate between my harsh words for Madhusudan Rao Naidu and B.N. Narasimhamurthy, and how I view those who have got caught up in following them, which is the vast majority of Muddenhalli group followers. I do not view these Muddenahalli group followers as my enemies. My view is that they are my brothers and sisters of the Sathya Sai fraternity who have got misguided by Madhusudan Rao Naidu and Narasimhamurthy. I wish them well and do not want to use harsh words about them.

Mr. --Name-snipped-- seems to be convinced about the claims of Madhusudan Rao Naidu and Narasimhamurthy. I have shared my views about it in the comments exchange on this post and he has politely shared his views with me. I appreciate the politeness of his when interacting with me. He continues to support Muddenahalli group even after our conversation. That's fine with me. Freedom of religious belief gives him the right to believe in Madhusudan Rao Naidu and Narasimhamurthy. I respect this right of his, and am NOT going to view Mr. --Name-snipped-- as an enemy just because he supports Muddenahalli group. Once again, I wish Mr. --Name-snipped-- all the very best in his spiritual journey. Jai Sai Ram!

Noted your view --Name-snipped--. We can politely agree to disagree on this. Thanks for your best wishes regarding my spiritual journey.

Read your comment about your motive in engaging in this exchange being "merely entertainment". If that's the case with respect to my comments too then I think I will stay away from such interactions with you, sir, on Facebook, as I do not want to waste my time on such 'entertainment'. Thanks. Jai Sai Ram!

Given below is a comment of mine from my Facebook post,, associated with this blog post.

In response to comment, "Wow, that person looked upon your sincere words of wisdom (fully imbedded in direct experience) as mere "entertainment"? Well, woe unto those who do not heed the advice of the wise, but you cannot say that you hadn't tried, and very obligingly so!", I (Ravi) wrote (slightly edited):

Thanks --Name-snipped-- for the kind words. I have gained enormously from elders in Sathya Sai fraternity as well as peers and juniors in age but seniors to me in Sathya Sai fraternity, who guided me when I was a newbie to Sathya Sai fraternity and later to being in Prasanthi Nilayam ashram in the ****Physical Presence*** of Bhagavan. I am particularly grateful to some alumni-staff of Prasanthi Nilayam ashram and the Sai university who were either peers to me in age or juniors in age to me, but who were senior to me in their being with Sathya Sai physical form, for the guidance they gave me so freely and lovingly, to navigate Prasanthi Nilayam, Puttaparthi, and of course, living in the ***Physical Presence*** of the Avatar.

Now I consider it to be my beholden duty to give back to the Sathya Sai fraternity by sharing my views politely with people who are willing to interact with me politely.

I thought the word 'entertainment' the person used may have been more in the context of some aggressive comment exchanges with others that he was having in this post itself. But he did not specifically say so, when I asked him specifically whether he felt even my comments were 'entertainment'. That was disappointing. So I have taken the decision to avoid interacting with him in future.



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