Hate comments on my blog from an anonymous person who goes by name of Iyer

Last updated on 15th March 2018

This spiritual and religion blog, http://ravisiyer.blogspot.in/ OR http://ravisiyer.blogspot.com/ has moderated comments settings. So comments get listed on the blog administrator pages and I can choose whether they get shown or not. If I don't want them shown I usually either delete them or mark them as spam.

Over the past few days, I am getting nasty hate comments from a blogger ID named Iyer. Opening up his profile, https://www.blogger.com/profile/03202209518463930864, shows up this message:

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Today I received two such hate messages from the above Iyer profile. I felt it appropriate to record some parts of these messages so that my readers know about it, and other Sathya Sai fraternity people who want to write truthful posts exposing Muddenahalli group false claims, and who visit this page, know what sort of hatred they will face online, which may perhaps translate into some other problems in real life too.

One hate comment was related to my blog post: Some Telugu words I felt I should tell some Telugu elders of the Sai university who got caught up in Narasimhamurthy's Muddenahalli group FALSE BELIEF, http://ravisiyer.blogspot.in/2018/03/some-telugu-words-i-felt-i-should-tell.html. Here's the comment with offensive line(s) about another person being deleted :

No wonder you aren't welcome inside the ashram - had I been in charge of Prashanti security, after reading your mad and senile online rants (regardless or whether they are pro or anti-Muddenahalli) I would personally have slapped you on the face multiple times with my slippers to put sense into that insolent and arrogant head of yours. - I doubt you'll even last much longer in Puttaparthi village, and am CERTAIN will soon beat a hasty retreat ---snip---. Insolent fellows like you with a chip on your shoulder who can't keep a low profile, and vomit rubbish and verbal diarrhea online don't last long in one place.

Here is part of another comment of this Iyer on another recent post:

Sometimes, after reading your tiresome blogs, I have to find you the most obtuse and stupid person ever to have typed on a keyboard. You only sat on the verandah for a few years for your rubbish and obsolescent 'honorary IT coding service' (that no one wanted in Prashanti anyway), when the old man was in a wheelchair, Iyer - don't think too much of yourself. Several others came and went before you in Prashanti from the 50s onwards. Pipe down, keyboard online hero. You're a zero. LOL!

Ravi: The 'old man was in a wheelchair' reference by this obnoxious 'Iyer' blogger hidden profile fellow is to Shiva Shakti Swarupa, Kali Yuga Avatar, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. I presume this fellow to be a Sai university/school alumnus. This I think shows a very unfortunate reality about few, I repeat few, Sai university/school alumni. They think themselves to be more knowledgeable than Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. As Swami got older and confined to a wheel chair, they referred to Him as the 'old man' with the usual implication that He should stay back and let youngsters run the show. That is the typical power-hungry attitude from youngsters eager to boss over others including their elders, that one sees in so many material/non-spiritual and spiritual organizations in the world.

I think the brutal reality of Muddenahalli group spiritual leaders is that they - Narasimhamurthy, Madhusudan Rao Naidu and others including some hidden people - think they know spirituality better than Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. But they need His name to attract His wealthy donors and followers. So they peddle their brand of spirituality which is a diluted and distorted form of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba teachings and instructions, as so-called subtle body of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba teachings, along with the darshan, interviews and sambhasahan/discourses of ***cheap imitator*** Madhusudan Rao Naidu hawked/peddled as sometimes being Sathya Sai (FALSE CLAIM) and sometimes as being communicator of Sathya Sai (FALSE CLAIM).

Their theology is based on or rooted in this FALSEHOOD of Madhusudan Rao Naidu being the so-called communicator of so-called subtle body of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba!!! That brings in the money!!! Without money, how can they do all their free Seva medical service and educational service projects and invite cricket superstars, ministers, chief ministers and prime minister to their inauguration functions? These free service projects with photographs and videos of cricket superstars, ministers, chief ministers and prime minister inaugurating them, is their USP (Unique Selling Proposition/Point, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unique_selling_proposition) to retain old devotees and donors and attract new devotees and donors!!! Therefore I say that their theology is based on or rooted in this FALSEHOOD about Madhusudan Rao Naidu.

If they had the spiritual ***guts*** and spiritual ***fire*** they would preach their spiritual teachings in their ***own names*** and NOT try to STEAL Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba's name for spreading their teachings and collecting donor money for their service projects (and to meet their expenses including helicopter rides and plane charters).

My response to the cowardly threats from these people who hide behind anonymous Ids is that I am not afraid of you and your supporters. I will fight you and your supporters like Jatayu fought Ravana who was kidnapping Mother Sita, even though he had to lay down his life fighting Ravana. Mahatma Gandhi faced multiple assassination threats which did not deter him. Eventually he got assassinated becoming a famous martyr who is admired and adored all over the world. I am inspired by people/figures like Jatayu and Mahatma Gandhi from the ***holy*** and ***virtuous*** land of Bharat (India). I think people like you (perhaps based in Melbourne, Australia) who hide behind fake IDs or hidden profiles and attack those who are exposing Muddenahalli group false claims, are a big ***shame*** for the Sathya Sai fraternity.

People like you don't have the gratitude to Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba who you'll claim to be your Guru and your God, to publicly oppose Madhusudan Rao Naidu for his cheap imitation of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba that is misguinding thousands of Sathya Sai devotees around the world. What pathetic examples you are, of being Sathya Sai devotees!

For more about such cowards and their social media attacks on me, readers may please read these posts of mine:

*) Bhaskar Iyer of Melbourne, Australia is collaborating with, OR IS, fake Id Facebook bully & conspirator Venkatesh Babu/Parthi Resident, http://ravisiyer.blogspot.in/2017/03/bhaskar-iyer-of-melbourne-australia-is.html, March 2017

*) Misrepresentation and fabrication by Parthi Resident/Venkatesh Babu against me; Beware of Arun Srinivas, alumnus of Muddenahalli school - Part 1, http://ravisiyer.blogspot.in/2017/02/my-facebook-posts-related-to.html, Feb. 2017

Given below are some comment exchanges from my Facebook post, https://www.facebook.com/ravi.s.iyer.7/posts/2107950012754898, associated with this blog post :

Ravi Raj Salyankar wrote (and was OK with public sharing):
Do not bother about these trolls .. its social media .. these kind of frustration exhibited is common ... THE MOST HURTING PATHETIC THING THIS PERSON HAS SAID IS .. 'old man was in a wheelchair' ... you just do your thing .. and its wonderful that you maintain the decorum as far as possible & refrain from going down to garbage level as theirs ... Their latest faceless name is Sonu Walia

Ravi S. Iyer wrote:
Ravi Raj Salyankar, Thanks for your support.

I had simply deleted earlier comments. But this time I felt I should share it with readers so that they get an idea of how low these people can stoop.

Himy Misra wrote (and was OK with public sharing):
i think Ravi whoever that person is seems to have a massive ego. so if they point a finger they should remember three fingers are pointing back at them.

Ravi S. Iyer wrote:
Thanks Himy Misra for your support.

Barbara Joy Plattner-Mullen wrote (and was OK with public sharing):
Ravi, those comments are LAUGHABLE! Yes, venomous and baseless, just a prime example of the false, egoic, hateful and ignorant people the MDH EGOISTS attract. Remember, Swami called them "Demons" and said they "should be dealt with SEVERELY". Report that creep to FB and then block him...

Your blogs and posts are RIGHT ON, Ravi dear, keep up the Divine work! Om Sai Ram ❤🙏💕

Ravi S. Iyer wrote:
Thank you so much for your very supportive comment Barbara Joy Plattner-Mullen. Such support helps me to more easily tackle such hate comments and threats. Note that Muddenahalli group have many open and hidden supporters in outside ashram Puttparthi and some hidden supporters in Prasanthi Nilayam ashram too. Earlier, before mid-2016 in Puttaparthi and Prasanthi Nilayam, most of these people were blatantly open supporters of Muddenahalli group - now many are hidden supporters.

It is a nasty environment to be in, as a public critic of Muddenahalli group. But I view that as my duty to my beloved and revered Gurudev Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba as well as to the Sathya Sai fraternity, from which I have gained enormously on the spiritual path.

BTW the hate comments were on blogger (not on Facebook). I don't know about blogger's mechanism to report abuse but as of now I don't want to go through that procedure.

Barbara Joy Plattner-Mullen wrote:
That is exactly why Terry Reis Kennedy left Parthi after living there for 27 years. Remember Swami said frogs on the lily pad are not aware of the fragrance of the lotus, but the bees from afar are....

Terry Reis Kennedy wrote (have presumed she would be OK with sharing based on past cases):
Ravi S. Iyer I know how difficult it is to cope with these COWARDS. THEY WERE AT ME ALL THE TIME. HAVING A CUP OF COFFEE OUT SIDE OF THE ASHRAM AND THERE THEY WERE WITH THEIR HATEFUL AND SNIDE REMARKS...RIGHT TO MY FACE......WHENEVER THERE WERE NO WITNESSES.....AND THE MAJORITY OF THEM WERE WOMEN......FOREIGN WOMEN. they live in houses that they own in the town! But, for the record, Barbara Joy Plattner-Mullen I left for other reasons as well....My mother is not well and in a nursing home....and I could no longer afford the cost of living. On tourist visas we were not allowed to work! I had to come home to USA to earn money........

Ravi S. Iyer wrote (slightly edited):
Thanks Terry Reis Kennedy for your response and support. I think you have suffered the most amongst those of us who live/lived in Parthi and write publicly against Muddenahalli false belief.

Let me also state here that I found your courage in fighting them back publicly to be inspirational when I came under Muddenahalli group serious social media attack the first time.

You also shared some far more serious intimidation you had faced in other places in your investigative journalist career and how you refused to back down. That too was something that I found inspiring.

Thank you so much for having been an inspirational figure in fighting publicly against FALSE BELIEF Muddenahalli group who were and still are misguiding thousands of Sathya Sai devotees across the world, and not backing down when confronted by their nasty intimidation tactics on social media and, sometimes in the real world in Puttaparthi too.



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