Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev about dying in full awareness leading to release from rebirth

Some small quotes from Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev's book, "Death: An Inside Story" from the chapter: "The Process of Death" and section: "Chakras: The Gateways of Exit":

* "Even if you are liberated within yourself, even if you have attained a certain state within you, you still need a lot of skill to leave the physical body consciously. ... People who are on the Yogic path can simply sit in the open and leave - just like dropping one's clothes and walking away, because they know the science of how to leave the body."

* "If you want that moment of death to happen in full awareness, you have to live a life of awareness. Otherwise, at that moment, there is no way you are going to be aware....If at the moment of death, a person can be 100 per cent aware, that person will not have to go through rebirth. They will not take another body - they are released." 



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