Miscellaneous Facebook posts & comments in or around August 2022

When author of post or comment is not mentioned, it should be assumed that it is me (Ravi S. Iyer).

To save time, I am usually not providing my FB post links but only contents. I am also not hyperlinking links. So readers may have to copy-paste links from this post onto a browser link box and then browse to that link.


Fascinating 11 second video clip of being above clouds on way to Kedarnath https://twitter.com/ErikSolheim/status/1564417869852487681


Evidence of how some people were perhaps into gambling with dice around four thousand or more years ago in ancient India.

Note that in the Mahabharata epic, gambling among kings and princes was the norm, and which was used by Shakuni, a master dice gambling player, to get Yudishthira to lose his kingdom to Duryodhana, and be banished to the forest for 12 years.

So this evidence of what would most likely have been dice based gambling around four thousand or more years ago, is very interesting.

Of course, gambling in any form is a vice which could lead to great misfortune. So I certainly am not promoting gambling.

Associated FB post: https://www.facebook.com/ravi.s.iyer.7/posts/pfbid033M5f7oD7VCGpZrVJR4ihJjvhCh5zL1wbCJTiknHNsikfFTrUd83dYGCSpQx3JuSfl shares related post with pic.


My comments on above post (slightly edited):

Interesting question: Why is gambling so appealing to at least some people?

The slant as seen in the pic could also be due to angle at which pic was taken.


I googled for articles on this Harappa dice to know whether the claim made in the shared post is authentic. I got some Indian media links which make the same claim:

1) 5,000 year old things Indians still use from the Harappans, https://indianexpress.com/article/parenting/learning/make-history-fun-again-5000-year-old-things-indians-still-use-from-the-harappans-5375813/ , Oct. 2018

2) https://www.livehistoryindia.com/story/living-culture/the-games-we-played , June 2019

Also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dice#History tells us: "Excavations from graves at Mohenjo-daro, an Indus Valley civilization settlement, unearthed terracotta dice dating to 2500–1900 BC."

So the claim of the post seems to have some reasonable basis.


On FB post: https://www.facebook.com/adiazviana/posts/pfbid0tsJspQY8UBAUiVzaGzDwAeeDRTyLq4xGmhDccpekpTWwJC9G8HXnwN2T8wN93Konl , I made the following comments:

Wow! Your achievement of feeling the universe as Love, is awesome! Thanks for sharing.

Also, as an Indian, I found it fascinating to read that right from your first visit to India, you felt you were coming home. A German Sai devotee had also told that to me.

In this context, you write, "Every single person that approached me was a sibling from another lifetime, and everything was perfect!" I think that's a spiritually great view/feeling.


A glimpse of how it all could be! Well said.




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