Couple of YouTube videos covering rising above body consciousness during meditation

Over the past few days, I have been exploring the Internet for techniques followed by various groups for rising above body consciousness during meditation. Let me share a couple of YouTube videos about this topic, which were interesting to me.

1) 10 Minute Meditation for Expanding Your Consciousness, , 11 min. 11 secs, published by Great Meditation on 16th March 2021.

A transcript snippet of above video related to rising above body consciousness is given below (slightly edited for better readability):

[Timestamp: 1:44] You may even feel your palms tingling a little bit as you begin to open up, welcoming in a connection to your consciousness. You feel yourself merging into the vastness of your truest identity, this limitless consciousness, eternal, all wise, all loving.

As you feel yourself tune into this, you let yourself let go of any connection to your physical body. You feel a sense of weightlessness as if you're simultaneously both lifting up and dropping down and expanding as far and wide as you can imagine. You feel the limitlessness of your consciousness now. You feel one with your consciousness.

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2) Guided Meditation on Expansion of Consciousness, , 19 min. 46 secs., published by Self-Realization Fellowship on 9th July 2019. Note that the publisher seems to be associated with Paramahamsa Yogananda followers.

Few transcript snippets of above video related to rising above body consciousness are given below (slightly edited for better readability):

[Timestamp: 0:05] This is a guided meditation an expansion of consciousness. Paramahansa Yogananda said the ocean of spirit has become the little bubble of my soul whether floating in birth or disappearing in death in the ocean of cosmic awareness.

The bubble of my life cannot die. I am indestructible consciousness protected in the bosom of spirit's immortality.

As we begin our meditation it is important to sit in the correct meditation posture. The spine should be held straight, the chin parallel to the floor. Close your eyes gently. Lift your gaze upward without straining, to the point between the eyebrows. This is the seat of concentration and of the spiritual eye or divine perception.


[Timestamp: 2:08] Let us begin with an affirmation. Please repeat after me:

Oh spirit! I am no longer the wave of consciousness thinking itself separated from the sea of cosmic consciousness. I am the ocean of spirit that has become the wave of human life. [Repeated]


[Timestamp: 8:20] So let us concentrate on that from which our being emerges. [Know thy soul.] Dismiss all sensations of the body. Dismiss all restless thoughts. Concentrate on the thought of peace and joy. Behind (the) closed eyes you are beholding a mass of darkness, a sphere of darkness. Expand this ball of darkness until it surrounds this hall. Go on expanding it more and more. See the whole world in this sphere, floating like a bubble. Now visualize the expanding ball shimmering with a subdued light and joy. 


[Timestamp: 12:46] Now practice an affirmation given by Paramahansa Yogananda. The affirmation is: I am infinite. I am spaceless. I am timeless. I am beyond body, thought and utterance, beyond all matter and mind. I am endless bliss.

Now please repeat after me, first at a normal volume, then softer, then as a whisper and finally repeating mentally only. Concentrate deeply on the words until you become absorbed in their inner meaning and are able to convert them into actual experience.

I am infinite. I am spaceless. I am timeless. I am beyond body, thought and utterance, beyond all matter and mind. I am endless bliss.

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Ravi: The Ajna chakra is said to be located at "the point between the eyebrows" and many meditation techniques about raising one's consciousness experience, involve concentrating on the Ajna chakra.

I don't know how effective above meditation techniques are in rising above body consciousness. I think one may have to practise for long before one can "feel the limitlessness of your (one's) consciousness" or that "I am infinite. I am spaceless. I am timeless. ... I am endless bliss."

I appreciate the above video authors for sharing their meditation techniques and how it may help one rise above body consciousness.

[I thank the authors of the above two YouTube videos - "Great Meditation" and "Self-Realization Fellowship", and have presumed that they will not have any objections to me sharing the above short transcript extract(s) from their videos on this post which is freely viewable by all, and does not have any financial profit motive whatsoever.] 



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