Discourse of Rishi Shuka to King Parikshit about what a man should do to attain beatitude (especially a man who is about to die): Links for Srimad Bhagavatam verses in Skandha (Canto) 2, Adhyaya (chapters) 1 to 3
Srimad Bhagavatam (Bhagavat Purana) Skandha (Canto) 2, Adhyaya (chapters) 1 to 3 relate the response of Rishi Shuka to King Parikshit about what a man should do to attain beatitude (especially a man who is about to die) The links for above chapters and verses are: 1) Bhagavata Purana Motilal Banarasidass (only English), https://archive.org/details/BhagavataPuranaMotilalEnglish/page/n156/mode/1up (viewer page 157, book page 152) [starting verse] A few extracts from above link: Chapter 1 verses 4 to 6: 4. Being attached to his body, children, wife and other attendants, dependents etc., even though they are unreal, he does not discern their destruction, though he actually sees them die. 5. Oh descendant of Bharata ! Therefore, the glorious Hari (reliever of bondage, of samsara) the Supreme Lord, the all-pervading soul, should be heard about, eulogised and remembered by a person desiring a state, completely free from fear (i.e* the Final Beatitude or moksa). 6. Narayana is remembered...