Curse of death in a week to King Parikshit; his response of renunciation, fasting unto death and worship of Lord; his question to Rishi Shuka about what a man about to die should do to attain beatitude: Links for Srimad Bhagavatam verses

Srimad Bhagavatam (Bhagavat Purana) Skandha 1, chapter 18 verse 24 to chapter 19 verse 40 (end of chapter) relate how King Parikshit got cursed to die within a week due to a relatively minor wrong action of his, and how he responded to the curse by viewing it as a blessing, renouncing worldly life, stopped eating food and awaited death while contemplating on God. Many rishis came to him at this time blessing him. Parikshit asks them about right actions of man especially of one who is close to death. The great Rishi Shuka appears and is ready to respond.

The links for above chapters and verses are:

1) Bhagavata Purana Motilal Banarasidass (only English), (viewer page 145, book page 140)

A few extracts from above link:

Chapter 19, verse 24: [Parikshit asks of the Rishis:] Oh Brahmanas, with full faith in you, I specifically enquire about this worth-considering problem as to what one should do in all ( types of) circumstances. Oh learned ones, carefully consider (and advise me) what (course of) action is sinless (and hence recommended) for persons about to die.

Chapter 19, verses 37 & 38: [Parikshit asks of Rishi Shuka:] 

37. Hence I ask of you who are an eminent preceptor of Yogins , what a man about to die, definitely should do (which will lead to) Final Beatitude.

38. Oh Lord, kindly tell me what should be heard, muttered, done, contemplated and adored by ( such a person like) me and what should be avoided.

--- end extracts ---

2) ISKCON (A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda) version (only English): (18th chapter with link for next chapter).

3) Sanskrit only (Entire Canto/Book/Skandha 1):


a) Article which seems to be based on above chapters & verses:  Know what King Parikshit did after getting a cursed from Shringi Rishi (has lots of advertisements which will have to be tolerated if one wants to read it), .

[I thank and have presumed that they will not have any objections to me sharing the above extract(s) from their website (for which the copyright seems to have expired), on this post which is freely viewable by all, and does not have any financial profit motive whatsoever.] 



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