An introduction to Ramanuja's philosophy And the doctrine of Prapathi or Self-Surrender by Shri Nallappa Jeyappaiyengar

Last updated on 1st Dec. 2018

Around a couple of weeks back, I was very happy to read Shri Nagesh Nallappa's Grandfather's writings: "An introduction to Ramanuja's philosophy And the doctrine of Prapathi or Self-Surrender". The author's (Shri Nagesh's grandfather's) name is Nallappa Jeyappaiyengar.

On Shri Nagesh Nallappa's request over email, I have put up this document named, "NJ - An Introduction to Ramanuja's Philosophy & The Doctrine of Prapathi or Self-Surrender.pdf" on a public folder in my Google drive here: The document is 28 pages long.

Shri Jeyappaiyengar was born in 1900 and passed away in May 1979. The above mentioned document date is not known. Kancheepuram (in Tamil Nadu) is mentioned as the city the author was residing in then.

Shri Jeyappaiyengar writes in the Preface of the document (referred to as brochure):
The contents of this brochure have been culled from a series of lectures delivered, some years back, to a few foreign missionaries, with whom two or three advanced students of Indian Philosophy also joined in the early stages. This has been latterly touched and simplified, as far as possible, so as to reach a wider field of readers and aspirants in the spiritual field. The direct appeal method has been retained for obvious reasons.
--- end Preface main content ---

I have given below my comments on this document:

Very intense and deep treatment of Hindu spiritual philosophy with comparisons to Christian spiritual philosophy of the West. The English is excellent with what seems to me to be a very British/English style (as against American style). I think that's a trait of the old Tamil Nadu/Chennai well educated group of people. I came across some such persons in Puttaparthi.

Strong influence of philosophy - Radhakrishnan's book is quoted many times. I must say here that I have very limited exposure to Western philosophy and Buddhism and Jainism theologies.

The document seems to go deep into Ramanuja philosophy.

Ramanuja's emphasis that Brahman, the highest reality that is Omnipotent and Omniscient, is also full of compassion or love, is very interesting, and very much in line with Sathya Sai teachings & revelations about highest level of God - Brahman.

The writings show superb support for image worship - once again, very much in line with Sathya Sai teachings and revelations.

I loved the incident of Ramanuja and the image of God drawn by children, and the hymn that is quoted.

It has very interesting description of Prapatti.

The writings mention that great importance should be given to the spiritual teacher/Acharya! Very rightly so, IMHO!

Thanks to Shri Nagesh Nallappa for passing on this wonderful document. I enjoyed reading it and have got more exposure now to some aspects of Ramanujacharya's spiritual philosophy,

On my Facebook post,, associated with this blog post, I tagged Shri Nagesh Nallappa in a comment, "Sairam Nagesh Nallappa sir - Please have a look at the above post (I have also tagged you in it). Do let me know if some changes are needed."

Shri Nagesh Nallappa responded:  Ravi S. Iyer Not at all! I have nothing to add! It is perfect! Thanks a million!



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