Legal case should be filed in India against Guru Drohi Madhusudan Rao Naidu for claiming that he now is Sathya Sai

Last updated on 1st Dec. 2018

So far I had reserved the Guru Drohi label only for Narasimhamurthy. Somehow as Madhusudan is a former student of SSSIHL, and Swami, in end 2002/early 2003 had graciously accepted my prayer to serve Him in SSSIHL where as staff and teachers we viewed students as precious property of Swami whom we should serve, I could not bring myself to call Madhusudan Rao Naidu as a Guru Drohi. But that has changed now.

In this latest event, it is clear that Madhusudan Rao Naidu has approved of Mr. Sumeet Tappoo saying on stage at Swami birthday function on 23rd Nov. 2018 in Muddenahalli that:

* "Swami has assumed the body of brother Madhusudan. There is no difference."

* "He has made the grand declaration a few minutes back that he will be in Muddenahalli in the body of brother Madhusudan for the next ten years .."

* "When you see brother Madhu, it will be Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba."

Readers can view this themselves from at around 2 hrs 58 mins 30 seconds in this video: "Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba's 93rd Birthday : 23 November Evening, Live From Muddenahalli", .

A little while later in the video, Madhusudan also sat on the chair meant for Swami. So very clearly he was showing the assembled people there and those who watch the video, that he now considers himself to be Sathya Sai and so he can sit on Swami's chair.

Here is a quote from physical form Sathya Sai discourse on Shivaratri of 1962 :

Some others are swept off their feet by hysterical demonstrations by certain weak minded individuals who are described as My speaking through them or acting through them! Take it from Me, I am not given to such absurdities! I do not use others as My media; I have no need to. I do not swing from side to side and prattle! Why, even those who torture their bodies and suffer the pains of asceticism for years until ant hills overwhelm them and they become as stiff as tree-stumps find it difficult to realise the Lord. How then can these idlers, who eat their fill and wander about as slaves of their senses, earn that status so cheaply? Their gestures, words, and actions are hollow and vain; those who bum incense before them and revere them are turning away from Me and running after falsehood.

How can the Full ever dally with the paltry and wear the habiliment of the trifling? When God has come assuming form, take it from Me, it will not fill inferior vessels or embellish tawdry stuff or enter impure bodies. So do not extol these falsities and ruin those unfortunates. Deal with them severely, and they will be cured. Those who have seen the brilliance of the diamond will not be misled by glass trinkets. The Lord is like the diamond, call it by any name. But a trinket cannot be turned into a diamond, however loud the praise and however adamant the claim.

--- end quote of Sathya Sai ---

Source: with the associated pdf file being:

Madhusudan Rao Naidu is committing great sacrilege by claiming that his body is now Sathya Sai! This is an utterly FALSE CLAIM. He is going completely against what physical form Sathya Sai has said. Now he will use this FALSE CLAIM status to further misguide thousands of Sathya Sai devotees as well as innocent non-devotees using the HOLY NAME of our beloved and revered Gurudev, Kali Yuga Avatar, Shiva-Shakti Swarupa Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Therefore, even though it causes me great anguish to do so, I have to label Madhusudan Rao Naidu, former gold medalist MBA student of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning as a Guru Drohi of our Gurudev Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. [Guru Drohi means someone who causes harm to his own Guru.]

Now how do we counter this. Prayer, of course, is one vital way. But I reiterate my view first expressed in Oct. 2015 in this post of mine:, that a Public Interest Litigation (P.I.L.) case should be filed against Madhusudan Rao Naidu. I reproduce the relevant part from that post below:

I now RECOMMEND that a P.I.L. be filed in Karnataka High Court by Indian national Sathya Sai devotees who are in a position (financial and otherwise) to do so. The P.I.L. should focus on STOPPING Shri Madhusudhan Naidu from using the name and/or image of Sri Sathya Sai Baba of Puttaparthi, for his so called communicator activities. The P.I.L. should NOT get into the funding and running of the social service institutions associated with Muddenahalli group. It should also NOT get into any attempt to penalize Shri Madhusudhan Naidu for his past misdeeds (my view is that we can leave that to his Karma).

The case may have grounds to be a P.I.L. as so many hundreds, or perhaps a few thousands, of people are being DELUDED by the HIMSELF-DELUDED Madhusudhan Naidu. I think the evidence in the form of the above reliable eyewitness account at Swami Mahasamadhi time, and video/TV clips of so called Muddenahalli based Swami subtle body darshan and discourses, should be strong enough to prove that Shri Madhusudhan Naidu is himself DELUDED and is DELUDING hundreds/thousands of innocent persons including young students.

Perhaps Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust (SSSCT) would face some constraints in filing such a PIL. Perhaps they would prefer to avoid negative kind of publicity that may arise if they do so. Therefore I am suggesting that interested Indian national Sathya Sai devotee(s) should file the PIL.
--- end extract ---

If P.I.L. is not possible, then at least a case should be filed in a lower court or trial court - I don't  know the legal terms properly but what I mean is the lowest level court that an Indian citizen can approach. Note that PIL can get filed directly in a higher court, I believe, thereby having quicker results.

I should also state here that due to various limitations, I am not in a position myself to join as a party in filing such a case. I am sorry about that. But that's my serious limitation in this regard and I would like to be upfront about it.

Given below is a comment of mine from my Facebook post,, associated with this blog post:

In response to a comment, I wrote (slightly edited):
Well, --name-snipped--, I find that Sai orgn. in India and internationally, and Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust have very little transparency in this matter. They may have very good reasons for that. I am not being critical of them for lack of transparency on this matter - just stating my view of how they are, based on my work in this area from early 2015 onwards. ... From sometime in early 2017, I decided that the best approach for me, an independent social media writer who is a well wisher of Sai orgn. and SSSCT, was to not get involved with contacting or mentioning names of SSSCT trustees or Sai orgn. heads (except in cases where we have to expose any contact/association they seem to have had with Muddenahalli group in the past as seems to be the case with Mr. Nimish Pandya and his wife). ... So I am not the guy for the suggestion that you have. --Name-snipped-- you are free to share my post text with such orgn. top office bearers. If you send me your email id as a private message, I will forward you my mail on this post which you can simply forward to whoever you want.



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