Wintley Phipps on Negro spirituals and his view of the history of Amazing Grace song, 8 min. 35 secs., published April 2012.

I had seen (and heard) this video-song a few years ago, when I was not on Facebook nor was I an active blogger. I had then shared it over email with a few friends & acquaintances. I recall that one USA correspondent (white gentleman, senior/elder) wrote me that he had liked it a lot and had forwarded it to many others. Here it is, for those who have not heard the song clip, and some of the words of Wintley Phipps prior to him singing it.

At around 3:20 Wintley Phipps says,

[John Newton is considered to be the writer of Amazing Grace song] But do you know what John Newton did before he became a Christian? He was the captain of a slave ship and many believe heard this melody that sounds very much like a West African sorrow chant, and wrote the words, "Amazing Grace", and set his words to a slave melody. [Applause].

I looked up that song - I believe God wanted that song written just the way it was written, just so that we would be reminded that as Christians, whether black or white, free or bonded, in His eyes, we are all connected. [Applause] We are connected. And we are connected by God's Amazing Grace. Hallelujah! We are connected by God's Amazing Grace.

I looked up that song in the library of Congress - I went to the library of Congress. I looked up that song and wherever you see it authentically printed, you know what it says: Words - John Newton, Melody - Unknown.

I (will) tell the Lord when I get to heaven, I want to meet Abraham and Isaac and Jacob but boy I want to meet that slave called Unknown! [Applause]

I recorded that song the way I hear it when I sing it. I still hear the sounds of the slave ships in the water. I want to sing it for you the way John Newton probably first heard it coming up out of the belly of the ship. Listen.
--- end Wintley Phipps remarks extract prior to him singing part of Amazing Grace (in a different way)---

[I thank Wintley Phipps and the producers of this video (Bill & Gloria Gaither) and have presumed that they will not have any objections to me sharing the above transcript of part of their video on this post which is freely viewable by all, and does not have any financial profit motive whatsoever.]



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