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List of posts on my meditation practice in reverse chronological order (currently from Jan. 2022)
- My meditation note today about Atma, , 17th March 2023
- My understanding of Ramana Maharshi's Hridaya is the core of one's being; My meditation practice resonates with statement about merging prana and mind into Hridaya, , 15th March 2023
- Sathya Sai to Hislop on Self (and God) realization: Dissolve yourself into nothingness which is fullness of everything and (divine) power that appears to be everything; Interpreting this in my current meditation approach, , 17th Jan. 2023
- Have some confusion about Ajna chakra/Third Eye location; Jangama dhyana involves meditating at point between eyebrows, , 28th Oct. 2022
- Trying to go deeper and merge into Awareness-I and go deeper and merge into Sai namam (name); 'Outer Zone' and 'Inner Zone', , 21st Oct. 2022
- Enjoying 'I am I'/Awareness-I meditation anandam (peaceful joy) and prashaantam (deep peace) when bodily health is OK, , 24th Aug. 2022
- An update on my meditation efforts: Had increased Kundalini rising type experiences along with some health issue but have failed to rise above body consciousness; Am now into less intense meditation, , 16th Aug. 2022
- Is it right to say that Atman (Self) is that which one cannot be separated from?, , 15th Aug. 2022
- Couple of YouTube videos covering rising above body consciousness during meditation, , 12th April 2022
- Jan 2021 note on my meditation approach and experience - no visions, just worship of great divine power, and experience of unchanging awareness, joy, peace and love, , 9th March 2022
- Believing that one's reality is awareness and not one's body does not free person from body consciousness; Could intense japam & dhyanam (chanting & meditation) give that freedom?, , 8th March 2022
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